Help us Celebrate National Forgiveness Day!

We want to make National Forgiveness Day extra special this year. So we’re putting together a compilation video of YOU sharing who or what you’re forgiving! Our hope is that this inspires others to do the same.

Here's how to participate:

  • Record a short video saying “I forgive…(then share who or what you’re choosing to forgive).
  • OR write the words: “I forgive” on a sign (a poster board is great) then write who or what you’re choosing to forgive underneath the words “I forgive”. Then, take a picture of you holding your sign.
  • Keep your videos brief– around 30 seconds to one minute is perfect!

Deadline for submission: July 1st, 2024

*Please be aware that we’ll be sharing your beautiful video or picture contribution in celebration of National Forgiveness Day. If you’d rather not have your video or picture seen, please don’t submit it. Thanks for participating!

National Forgiveness Day was founded on September 1st, 2023 by The PBT Institute. Forgiveness is the antidote to feeling the blame, and the resentment of a betrayal. Forgiveness is a powerful bridge that takes you from the devastating effects of a betrayal to healed and transformed (physically, mentally, and emotionally).
