

Important Message from Dr. Debi

Thank you for submitting your Transform Application! We will be reading your responses. If Transform is a fit, we will email you with a link to schedule your Transform Assessment with Dr. Debi. Be sure to keep an eye on your junk/spam inbox just in case!

To your transformation!

Founder and CEO, The PBT Institute

Eager to learn what Membership is all about before your call? Keep reading!

The PBT Institute specializes in helping people who are ready to heal from their betrayals. No betrayal is too big or too small at PBT - we’re healing betrayals of all kinds. Members are learning to trust again after an affair (with or without their partner), overcoming childhood betrayals, and so much more. We’re creating a solid foundation to move through the 5 Stages to take you from betrayal to breakthrough. 

We’re creating a solid foundation so you can feel safe again, love again, trust again…and transform after betrayal.

"This community and the support found within has saved me. It has shown me the light and taught me the tools I need to succeed and heal. My journey is far from over but I am not the same person I was when I joined. This community is most definitely one of a kind and offers something that can not be found elsewhere. One of the biggest take aways is that I am not alone, that it is okay to feel the way I feel, and that I am going to be okay - no matter what crosses my path."


"The PBT Institute gave me a place to be heard and validated. I was assured the things I felt were real and true. I was given a way of thinking, a path forward, that led me toward healing.

What I was looking for, that I did not get with any therapy, was a step by step way forward. The PBT community was the ONLY place where you could follow a path. Work on this and this until you are ready for the next stage.This community is the only reason I am able to move forward as quickly as I am. I came in at stage 2 and I am in stage 5!"


"This is a priceless investment in yourself. I’ve done more in the program in 2 weeks than in 3 years of therapy and marriage counseling, tons of counseling seminars, tons of money-nothing has helped until this community."


Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Membership:

  • Content - Enjoy quicker paced or more gently moving programs to predictably and consistently guide you through the proven and research-based Five Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough 
  • Coaching - Certified PBT Coaches (coaches/healers) and Practitioners (therapists/doctors) who’ve been there, understand what you need, and meet with you as part of your membership
  • Classes - Daily classes, taught by Dr. Debi, Coaches and Practitioners around every topic that can help you heal physically, mentally and emotionally from your betrayal
  • Community - A private, supportive and safe space to feel seen, heard, validated, supported and understood. We understand what you're going through and what it feels like because everyone in the community has been through it and is healing from it too. We understand the wide range of emotions, along with the unique and specific challenges/opportunities betrayal can bring
  • Connection - Through our warm welcoming process, we suggest the coaches, classes and more to customize your Membership experience. If you’d like, we’ll even pair you with a “buddy” so you’re never alone
  • Curated Guest Experts - World class experts in the areas of mindset, health, spirituality, psychology, legal experts and more, offering their expertise on a regular basis

"I don't know if I've ever been this happy before. I'm so grateful for PBT-so blessed. I KNOW I'll get there and that it's just a work in progress! I'm almost crying as I'm writing this to you right now. Thank you so much again for PBT!!! When you said nothing else like this exists, you were so right because I've been to 8 therapists in the last 2.5 years, tried EMDR, and nothing has worked until NOW. You're seriously such an angel!"


"I’m so very grateful for you Debi. You’ve created a sanctity for me and for many others. Through your pain and strife you’ve risen through the ashes to create a place of love, healing, and hope for a better life. I recognize how special this community is and how blessed I am to be a part of it. I know your life’s struggles have created a healing balm for me and I’m writing you to say thank you. Thank you for taking your pain and turning it into a place of healing for me. Thank you for sharing your grief. Thank you for giving me hope. Thank you for giving me a sense that my life has purpose. Thank you for showing me that the pain I’m experiencing is for the good of myself and the good of my children. I’ve felt lost most of my life until I’ve found this community. I see my path a little clearer now. I know what to do next in my life and I’m going to follow through with it. Thank you for bringing light into this dark, dark world. This world needs more people like you. You are a light and a beacon for love, calm, and healing. Thank you for being you and for sharing your gifts with us all. My heart is full ❤️"


"I was inspired to joint the PBT community after a betrayal. I was blindsided and lost, very confused, and horribly hurt. I think I found Dr. Debi after watching some YouTube videos. I looked at the website and decided to join. I'd already spent 3-4 sessions with a counsellor at $143 per session and found out later that she KNEW he was having an affair (we were both seeing her, he thought I should go talk to her about my jealousy issues). So what did I have to lose with Dr. Debi!! Turns out it was one of the best decisions I could have made. My experience affected me mentally and emotionally more than anything. The community was amazingly supportive! So much love, so many with shared experiences. It is POWERFUL knowing you are not alone. I noticed results within a couple of weeks I think. I've managed to come out of the dark tunnel of betrayal. The Masterclasses were extremely helpful. The community blogs always held my interest and gave me hope."

