The 21-Day Forgiveness Journey

Join us on the journey. Whether it's a person, experience, or yourself you're struggling to forgive, withholding forgiveness is keeping you sick, sad and stuck. It prevents you from creating and living the life you deserve and keeps you tied to the past.
While we can't control what happened, we can control what we do with it. Can you go from being angry, bitter and resentful to forgiving and free? We're going to do it together during our 21 day Forgiveness Journey.

My name is Dr. Debi Silber and I am the founder and CEO
of The PBT® (Post Betrayal Transformation®) Institute where people use our proven, research based process to heal and transform physically, mentally and emotionally from the devastating effects of betrayal.
Join the Forgiveness Journey waitlist
with the form below.
Interestingly enough, forgiveness is a powerful bridge that gets you there.
But we all know how hard it can be sometimes to forgive. That’s why The PBT® Institute founded National Forgiveness Day (celebrated yearly on September 1st).
Here’s what you can expect each day of the 21-Day Forgiveness Journey happening
September 1st – September 21st at 1 pm EST daily: