Dr. Debi Silber
from hardened to healed
The Effortless Path to Release Resistance, Get Unstuck, and Create a Life You Love
“Debi has created a simple roadmap to help you get unstuck so you can live with passion and purpose. You deserve to create the life you want most and Debi will show you how!"
- Janet Attwood, New York Times bestselling author - The Passion Test

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Some of us will go through one or more traumatic experiences. Others may simply have a negative belief system that’s created a sense of fear, uncertainty, scarcity and lack. It’s not that these experiences happen to us that’s the problem, it’s what we do with them. They can make us bitter and resentful, or they can help us become healed and transformed. Have your experiences left you healed…or hardened? Through From Hardened to Healed: The Effortless Path to Release Resistance, Get Unstuck, and Create a Life You Love you’ll be guided to move through Dr. Debi Silber’s proven and predictable research-based steps so you can create the health, work, relationships and life you want most. In her practical and inspiring way, she’ll help you; “face it and feel it, so you can heal it.” No matter where you are on the “healed or hardened” spectrum, the good news is, the tools you need for your transformation are here for you inside this book.
"Debi understands how deeply stress impacts our health and well-being.
More importantly, she shows us how letting go of the stress, the blocks,
and the limiting beliefs helps get us unstuck while paving the path to healing and transformation.”
-Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen, Ph.D.
Scientist and University Professor
"Debi's approach to deep, personal healing work sets her apart. From her own personal experience of healing, plus her incredible dedication to the research and study of transformation, she has created a system that has proven to work time and again."
Kerry Tepedino
CEO & Founder, One Thought Away Project
In this book you will discover:
Proven Five Stages
Learn about the proven five stages from betrayal to breakthrough (the 5 Stages apply to moving thorough any traumatic experience)
Tools and Strategies
You will be lovingly guided with tools and strategies along the way
Predictable Healing
Learn how predictable healing can be when you "face it, feel it, heal it"
Course of Action
Dr. Debi will teach you research based and proven ways to go from hardened to healed
"Dr. Debi Silber's groundbreaking work on betrayal helps us to not only understand the 5 Stages she discovered one will move through when healing, but how hard it is to move through them. This book is all about how one can overcome stagnation in the most common Stage (Stage 3), so we are able to trust again."
Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge
Mental Health Expert, Author, and Founder of The Global Institute of Children's Mental Health and Dr. Roseann, LLC
Readers will learn about, and go from being hardened to healed with support, tools and strategies along the way. They’ll also learn how predictable healing can be as they read not only Debi’s journey, but the stories of others who have learned to heal, and move on from trauma to a place of trust and well-being.
"“Debi shows us how numbing, avoiding and distracting ourselves is just one of the common ways we keep ourselves stuck. Health, confidence and happiness are all waiting for you when you move from hardened to healed, and the resources you need can be found within this book.”
Tricia Nelson
Author of Heal Your Hunger
“As a pediatrician, I see how the healthier and happier parents are, the better they can care for their children. From Hardened to Healed will show you how to let go of old patterns and limiting beliefs so you can better help all those you love, including yourself!”
Dr. Elisa Song
Integrative Pediatrician,
Founder of Healthy Kids Happy Kids
Order your copy and get started with these great bonuses…
Stress, trauma and emotional pain negatively impact your health. Debi shows you how to remove these blocks that prevent you from enjoying the energy and health you want most. A must read to enhance your nutrition and lifestyle plan to boost your health and happiness!”
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, DACBN
Why not buy copies for your Group, Club or Organization?
About the Author

Debi Silber, PhD
founder of The Post Betrayal Transformation (PBT) Institute and thepbtinstitute.com
Debi Silber, PhD, is a holistic psychologist and a recognized health, mindset, empowerment, and personal development expert. She’s an award-winning and two-time TEDx speaker, coach, and author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, The Unshakable Woman: The Workbook (a companion guide to the book) as well as two books recommended by Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, Jack Canfield, and many more. Debi’s contributed to Fox, CBS, The Dr. Oz show, The Huffington Post, Shape, Self, Health, Working Mother, Forbes, Psychology Today, WebMD, Ladies Home Journal, MSN, Woman’s World, and Glamour to name a few. Managing The PBT Institute, teaching, speaking, coaching, mentoring, and writing, she’s also married (twice) to her husband Adam for 30 years, is the proud mom of Dani, Dylan, Camryn, and Cole (and bonus daughters Molly and Keely) and is the proud mom of 4 dogs, Scooby, Gigi, Brody and Kasey.