It’s Official! We’re Certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE)

We’re certified!:

The PBT Institute is proud to announce that we are certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s leading third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women.

The Process:

The WBENC Certification process has confirmed that our business is at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by a woman or women, and has the appropriate structure and strategic business planning and implementation in place.

By including women-owned businesses among their suppliers, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier diversity programs, which in turn empowers women as leaders and brings about a more diverse, balanced and sustainable economy.

What does that mean for you and your company?:

When betrayal trauma (even if it happened years ago) goes unaddressed, the business effects can be significant leading to 16+ days of lost productivity per employee per year, up to 30% higher turnover compared to the national average, and over $10k per employee annually in incremental healthcare claims. Through a proven, researched based roadmap, I help you and your team heal physically, mentally and emotionally from one of the most painful yet often neglected traumas many of us experience, betrayal.

Time and/or new relationships won’t heal it:

Time and/or new relationships don’t heal betrayal (I did a PhD study on it and have the proof) and the lingering unhealed symptoms impact trust, health care costs, confidence, presenteeism, productivity, morale, turnover and more. Moving through it systematically and addressing all areas that were impacted helps the person regain their health, confidence and happiness so they can be better personally and professionally.

Other common solutions:

Other common solutions (therapy, couple’s counseling, a typical support group, numbing/avoiding/distracting for example) often lack a strategic and systematic plan to move the betrayed forward physically, mentally and emotionally, and instead, keeps them stuck; worsening every symptom along with your bottom line. There’s a way to heal from all of it and I’d be honored to show you how.

Who we are:

Dr. Debi Silber is a trusted resource in an untrusting niche. She’s the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, and is a 2-time #1 International bestselling author. Her podcast: From Betrayal to Breakthrough is also globally ranked within the top 1.5% of podcasts. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal made 3 groundbreaking discoveries that changes how long it takes to heal. In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, TEDx (twice) and more, she’s an award-winning speaker and coach dedicated to helping people move past their betrayals as well as any other blocks preventing them from the health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they want most. Dr. Debi is also a WBENC-Certified WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise) as well as the founder of National Forgiveness Day, celebrated annually on September 1st.

Dr. Debi-A Trusted Resource in an Untrusting Niche

Dr. Debi Silber, Founder and CEO of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and  National Forgiveness Day is a WBENC-Certified WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise), an award-winning speaker, bestselling author, holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert who helps (along with her incredibly gifted Certified PBT-Post Betrayal Transformation Coaches and Practitioners) a predictable, proven multi-pronged approach to help people heal (physically, mentally and emotionally) from the trauma of betrayal.

345: Festive Fulfillment: The Roadmap to Rebuilding Trust and Holiday Happiness