About Post Betrayal Transformation (PBT)

I was thrilled to be interviewed on The Heal Your Hunger Show by friend and show host, Tricia Nelson. The HYH Show is all about the issues that underlie emotional eating. It helps people get to the heart of why they overeat and how to stop. I hope you’ll tune in! Click the link below to watch it now:


Enjoy the interview and visit our new site I talk about in the interview: PBTInstitute.com

I also talked about The PBT Institute (Post Betrayal Transformation), our new center located on Long Island in New York.

Unfortunately, many of us at some point are faced with the betrayal of a family member, partner, employer, coworker, friend, coach, mentor, etc. Yes these experiences can wreak havoc on our body and mind. They also help us grow exponentially and now there’s also a proven way to heal. I talk about it in the interview and I hope you find the time to watch. Also, please share it with anyone who’d benefit.

Let’s get you feeling great again!


A Video on The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute Ribbon Cutting Ceremony