Most of what we are doing comes from our subconscious programming that is largely influenced by our family patterns. Your lineage could be a great indicator of your susceptibility to being betrayed, or being a betrayer, and it is only by understanding it that you can correct your patterns and move forward.

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Johanna Lynn is the founder of the Family Imprint Institute and helps her clients resolve painful patterns that can live on in generations as if on repeat. Your unconscious loyalty to a parent, or your ancestral alarm clock, could be having a major impact on the way you make your decisions and your ability to find happiness. 

We tend to paint our partner with the same brush of what we didn’t get enough of as a child, and the way you are triggered in a relationship can help you understand the greater forces at play. Invisible factors that you have inherited play a major role in how you make decisions about your life and relationships. Johanna is here to explain exactly how you can take control of those patterns so you can keep the good and get rid of the rest. 

Are you ready to be real about your lineage and put your pain to bed? Share what you learned in this episode in the comments below. 

In This Episode

  • Recognizing the invisible factors that play into how you make decisions
  • Why you shouldn’t jump back into a relationship too soon after your betrayal 
  • The importance of giving your child equal access to each parent
  • What to do if you are noticing narcissistic behavior in yourself or your partner
  • Digging into the impact your family lineage could be having on your relationship


“They say 70% of what goes on in a marriage has to do with each other’s family of origin. But I can tell you, the more years I am in this work, the more I am convinced its a lot more like 99%.” (5:46)

“Until we’ve really recognized, ‘aha, this was the part I brought into the relationship that kind of exploded in front of my face’, were less likely to recreate that in the next relationship.” (11:02)

“We’re doing this not for the ex, were doing this for our children. Children do best with equal access to both parents, and the last thing we want is our children to be on our side against their own father. This is a huge determinant to kids and amplifies the likelihood that they will show up in a similar relationship.” (22:33)

“Betrayal doesn’t have to be the end of your story; perhaps it is the start of a brand new book, with all kinds of new experiences. So make it a learning experience that opens the door to something better.” (26:03)


Johanna Lynn Website

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072: How to Rewire Your Brain After Betrayal w/ Louise Swartswalter