Overcoming a broken heart is harder than breaking a cocaine addiction. Healing from heartbreak is a challenging process but remember, we are not alone in this journey, and it can be done. If you’re going through heartbreak, our guest today reassures us that there is support available and hope for a brighter future. 

Dr. Debi had the pleasure of interviewing Arielle Ford, a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. Arielle has dedicated her life to helping people find love, keep love, and be love. She is a celebrated Love and Relationship Expert, Author, and Speaker, and her mission is truly inspiring.

During their conversation, Arielle shared her thoughts on the paradox of love, the power of gratitude, and the importance of healing a broken heart. She also discussed her latest book, “The Love Thief,” and how it can guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and shares her own journey of betrayal, heartbreak, and forgiveness, and how she recreated herself. 

If you’re looking for practical advice and guidance on finding and maintaining love in your life, this episode is a must-listen! Arielle’s wisdom and insights will leave you feeling inspired and empowered to create the love life you desire. 

Tune in for an inspiring conversation about love, healing, and embracing the unknown. Don’t miss out on this incredible episode with a truly amazing guest.


Key Takeaways:

[00:01:44] Admiration for conversations with God.

[00:04:26] Location as a character in the book.

[00:09:29] Lessons from toxic relationships.

[00:10:35] Lesson: If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.

[00:11:33] Special prey: targeting successful women.

[00:13:33] Be cautious of fast-moving relationships.

[00:15:10] Long-term happy relationships.

[00:17:01] Be cautious of red flags.

[00:19:23] Betrayers and personal transformation.

[00:23:31] Happiness is not the ultimate goal.

[00:26:29] Living in uncertainty.

[00:31:27] The state of being in love.


Memorable Quotes

“The thing that I’ve learned now that I’m 70 years old and I’ve been on the planet long enough is that these types of men only go after smart, beautiful, successful women. So, if you’ve had this experience, there’s a way in which you can reframe it that you’re really special. They don’t go after ordinary women ever. They target, you are prey.” – Arielle Ford

“Think the biggest thing I want people to get is that there’s manifestation and law of attraction, and trying to make shit happen in your life, and then there’s destiny, and if you can let go of wanting to control and manifest every last thing in your life and just receive destiny. Things that you can’t even imagine are going to come to you because your imagination is big enough” – Arielle Ford


Links Mentioned In This Episode

Website: https://thepbtinstitute.com/

Post Betrayal Syndrome (PBS) Quiz: https://thepbtinstitute.com/pbs-quiz/


Where To Find Our Guest

Website: https://www.arielleford.com/

The Love Thief Book: https://www.arielleford.com/the-love-thief/

341: A Mini Dose of Dr. Debi: Breaking Free from Betrayal's Grip