If you feel certain emotions but aren’t sure of where they come from, it could be intergenerational trauma passed down from the DNA of your parents and grandparents. This phenomenon has been scientifically researched and is something that Emily Wanderer Cohen is very familiar with.

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After being raised by a mother who survived the Holocaust, it took years of self-reflection for Emily to forgive this inherited family trauma and find joy in life again. Now Emily works to help others uncover their own intergenerational trauma, find acceptance and forgiveness for this betrayal of expectations, and move forward gracefully.

Instead of focusing on your families history of disease, Emily focuses on your families history of trauma to find the unexplained reasons that you may be dealing with physical or mental ailments. Just like eye color can be passed down, so can trauma, and it is only by acknowledging this history that you can remove your negativity bias and find healing.

Learn exactly how trauma can be passed down from one generation to the next, how these unknown yet familiar experiences can impact your physical and mental health, and what first steps you should be taking to work through this intergenerational betrayal and become more grounded in what you want for yourself.

Inherited familial trauma can take a serious toll on your health, relationships, and self-worth if you do not heal yourself from the root. If you are ready to get a grip on your epigenetics and find ways to move beyond the past, this episode is for you.

How has your family constellation impacted how you interact with the world? Share your story in the comments below!

In This Episode

  • How to know if your physical ailments could be related to an unhealed family trauma
  • Typical familial traits that can be passed down through generations
  • Classic textbook characteristics that can be seen by Holocaust experiences
  • Ways to heal from generational trauma through acceptance and mindset work
  • Specific body-based activities to help you progress through your cellular memory


“What epigenetics says is when someone is exposed to a certain trauma, there are genes that are turned on and off when it is passed down into the DNA of their offspring, and it ends up evolving and changing.” (7:32)

“People will come to me and say ‘I don’t know why I am anxious, I don’t know why I am depressed, there is nothing in my life that I have experienced that explains this.’ That’s when we start digging deeper into the parents and grandparents, the family constellation.” (12:25)

“If an external environment can change your DNA, then it stands to reason that you have some control in a way to stop it or change it back or change it to a different way.” (17:55)

“A lot of times these thoughts just go around and around and around in your head, and if they do that you can’t change them really. You need to change the story, it’s just a story you are telling yourself.” (22:51)

“What typically happens is they come in with anger and resentment and anxiety. And they leave with calm, joy and forgiveness.” (26:11)


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From Generation to Generation by Emily Wanderer Cohen Paperback Copy

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065: Forgive Your Hurt in 2 Steps with the DEMERT™ Method w/ Erika Laszlo