After multiple childhood traumas, abusive relationships and health struggles, Tanya Penny hit a wall when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 29 and decided to make a change. Today she is an author, occupational therapist and Vibrant Body and Abundant Life Coach who helps others realize the subconscious ties between our past betrayals and health and life issues to fully heal and move forward.

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Tanya is proof that your belief system has the ability to create health and wellness or illness and disease based on what you feed it physically, mentally and emotionally. On this episode, she explains how betrayal stored in the body can manifest as illness and disease, ways to finally believe that you are worthy of love, and provides skills for you to plant the seeds of truth and shift your relationships, priorities, and spirituality to fit the real version of you.

The interconnectedness of our body and mind can be astonishing, so when we leave a trauma unresolved it will manifest in another way. Instead of allowing your betrayer that power, take control and arm yourself with the tools and knowledge provided by Tanya to overcome what many have experienced but few know how to deal with.

Are you struggling with physical symptoms that may be tied to a past betrayal or trauma? Share your concerns with us in the comments below.

In This Episode

  • The powerful effects of shifting your spirituality to release emotional trauma
  • How to feel a sense of power instead of victimization when confronting past trauma
  • Taking big or small actions to be more in line with what you want out of life
  • Practical ways to show up for the wounded part of yourself
  • Why you should be working towards acceptance instead of forgiveness


“If you are having relationship issues, and who on the planet doesn’t to some degree, you want to look back at what happened, what was that betrayal and what belief might I hold about myself and my relationship to the world given that.” (9:22)

“It’s really about you accepting and moving forward and shifting those beliefs that were created by it so that you can now attract those fulfilling and trustworthy people into your life.” (16:49)

“That spiritual perspective has given me strength, and has helped to pull me through when I was really feeling like there was no hope.” (26:20)

“What we want to do is show up for, for some of you, it was the four-year-old, the six-year-old, the ten-year-old, maybe it was when you were twenty-five. You want to show up for that wounded part of you that was betrayed.” (28:16)


FREE Vibrant Body & Abundant Life Starter Kit

Tanya Penny Website

Other Resources

Women Hacking Betrayal Facebook Group

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063: Healing from the Chronic Pain and Anxiety of Betrayal w/ Elizabeth Kipp