Heather Burgett is an award-winning publicist, international speaker, and the host of “The Shine Strategy” podcast. She is also the founder and CEO of The Burgett Group and PR Stars. Over the past two decades, she has represented Grammy® and Oscar® winners, authors, billionaires, philanthropists, rockstars, top brands, and more. 

In her online PR Stars Programs, Heather guides soulful consultants and creatives into the mainstream spotlight by teaching them how to shine, become more visible, and impact the world with their messages. Heather is a recipient of the prestigious PRism Award from the PR Society of America and is a member of the Forbes Business Council. 

About Guest/Topic

Heather has created a new take on PR by bringing a spiritual focus to this particular field of marketing. She helps people identify, claim, and own their unique gifts for the benefit of themselves and those around them.

On today’s episode, Heather discusses her realizations about betrayal and the wounds it inflicts on those who suffer from it, and how showing vulnerability actually presents inner strength.

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In This Episode

  • Learn how to remove yourself from a toxic environment
  • Recognize the signs that you are healing from Post-Betrayal Syndrome
  • Listen to Heather’s personal story of betrayal and how she overcame it


“Tell your stories, put them out into the spotlight, and by showing that vulnerability, that’s where our super strengths come from.” [5:13]

“You are on a speeding train, but on the wrong tracks. I knew that I was going to be kicked off of that path no matter what because it was not the right path ” [20:58]

“I just want to experience life with joy, no more struggles. It’s a choice to learn through joy” [26:29]


Heather Burgett Podcast

Heather Burget Free Course

Heather Burget Quiz

Dr. Debi’s new book: Trust Again

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The Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz

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152: How To Stop Making Yourself Miserable w/ Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum