Like everyone else in this world, you’ve struggled in life. Some of these struggles may have been traumatic, and these left lasting scars. So how do you use those struggles as motivation? Let the Struggle Guru, Kirsten Beverley-Waters, show you how.

About Guest/Topic

Our guest for today, Kirsten Beverley-Waters, is a yoga teacher, fitness coach, and motivational speaker. She’s here with us today to inspire us and show us how to use the low points in our lives to propel us to greater heights. 

In her book, Struggle Guru, Kirsten explains how our individual struggles help shape our biology and give breath to our individual superpowers. 

Learn more about this by listening to Episode 177 of FBTB!

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In This Episode

  • Handling life’s struggles
  • Coping with life’s uncertainties
  • Healing ourselves through acceptance
  • Understanding the journeys of the people Kirsten has worked with


“My book helps us find the guru within ourselves to master our struggles.” [2:13]

“I’ve always had a very strong faith base.” [5:10]

“You are a manifestation of your thoughts.” [10:49]

“Often, we’re just blindly moving forward without considering where we’re going.” [21:31]

“So many of us live the exact same chapter over and over again.” [23:28]

“Ask yourself, ‘what do I need today?’” [27:01]


Kirsten Beverley-Waters’ Website

Kirsten Beverley-Waters’ Instagram 

Kirsten Beverley-Waters’ Twitter

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