Transformation happens through consistent action, major perspective shifts, and a willingness to adventure into the unknown. Regardless of how much trauma and betrayal you’ve experienced in your life, if you’re willing to put the work in, you will see results. Our guest, Monica Bennett, shares today how she’s worked through her past to now help women overcome theirs.

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Monica’s parents were both Holocaust survivors and her childhood was full of fear and uncertainty. She grew up in an unhappy and disappointing environment and later learned that she was generationally passing these traumas onto her daughter. But over the years, she’s learned many coping mechanisms for working through and healing from her trauma.

The way we respond to betrayal can actually become a pattern in our lives; it’s something we get used to. Breaking that pattern helps us move forward. Monica finds that writing three pages of her thoughts every morning helps her make sense of her thoughts. She also shares how other aspects of her life impact how she responds to trauma, including the food she eats.

Monica explains that one of the hardest parts of healing from trauma, for her, was learning who she was outside of it. When you’ve sat in trauma for years, do you really know who you are? She gives us some examples of how she learned who she is. And while it’s not for everyone, Monica worked with a holistic shaman for a number of years to get to the root cause of her trauma. 

How have you committed to working through your trauma every day? Let us know what you gained most from Monica’s story in the comments below! 

In This Episode

  • How to move forward after betrayal
  • Why betrayal can impact multiple generations
  • How responding to betrayal can become a pattern
  • Why writing out morning pages every day can help you understand your betrayal
  • How your food habits can impact how your body responds to betrayal
  • How you can create your identity outside of trauma
  • What mirror work is and how it can help you move through trauma
  • What role a shaman can play in working through feelings of betrayal
  • Why you need to commit to working through betrayal every day
  • What can help you break through old limiting beliefs


“Once you start looking and becoming aware of your past betrayal, you have understanding. Once you have understanding, then you have clarity. And once you have the clarity, then you can start to move forward.” (3:00)

“These words, these neuropathways, are so almost hardwired, that slowly we have to learn to disconnect like a wire to a plug in the wall. We have to learn to disconnect slowly.” (15:00)

“Unfortunately, you have to step out into the unknown if you do want to heal. And that’s where the tricky part comes because the unknown can be so uncomfortable, that you’ll come back to the known, even though that is so uncomfortable. But at least it’s familiar.” (18:18)

“I realize that not every day is a good day, but I know I have the insight to navigate the days with gratitude.” (25:39)


The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Positive Mind LLC Website

Monica Bennett on Facebook

Call Monica on 516-297-0672

Other Resources

Women Hacking Betrayal Facebook Group

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