Do you sometimes feel like you are too emotional, too stressed or overly sensitive? You are not alone. In fact, fifteen to twenty percent of the population feel this same way too, and it is not because you are crazy. Dr. Heidi Hanna has devoted her career to finding out exactly why some of us feel this way and is here to today to provide tools to help you manage your stress and live life as a happier highly sensitive person.

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The chief energy officer of Synergy, a company specializing in brain-based health solutions, as well as the executive director for the American Institute of Stress, founding partner of the Academy for Brain Health and Performance and a NYT bestselling author, Dr. Heidi has cemented her place as a top advisor on the power of using movement, meditation, and mirth to manage your stress over time. Dr. Heidi believes that by defining stress as the gap between your capacity and demand, you can learn how to take your stress and manage it to become a tool of productivity.

Dr. Heidi advocates for a curious mindset when it comes to dealing with your stress and finding ways to make your stress work for you. Learn how to achieve stress mastery by viewing stress through your stress load, stress lens and stress signature, three primary questions to ask yourself to determine if you are a highly sensitive person, and how to train your negative bias to be more positive. Plus, explore the role humor can play in managing your stress, and how to prepare and protect your energy during stressful situations.

While it may be impossible to eliminate all the stress from your life, it is possible to train your brain to handle stressful situations with more grace and ease. By employing tools such as preparing your mind before a stressful event and replenishing yourself afterward, you can build up your capacity to better cope with the challenges of life.

Which of Dr. Heidi’s suggestions is first on your list to try to better manage your emotions as a highly sensitive person? Let us know in the comments below.

In This Episode

  • The difference between helpful short term stress and harmful long term stress
  • Acknowledging the genetic differences that cause someone to be highly sensitive
  • Differences and similarities between being highly sensitive and an empath
  • What you need to do to protect and invest your own energy as a highly sensitive person
  • How to build up your capacity to cope with the daily challenges of life


“So many of us come to this type of journey trying to figure our own stuff out, and then we quickly realize that so many other people are struggling with similar things.” (2:19)

“The stress experience, what is happening in your brain and body, is trying to help you, and the more you can understand the why behind that and then make the small adjustments, you can start to take control.” (7:06)

“It’s not just this theoretical ‘you’re just sensitive’, it’s that your brain and your body and your nervous system are wired in a way that is different.” (14:16)

“People tend to think taking care of yourself is selfish, and I personally think that taking care of your energy is the greatest thing you can do for the people around you because it is so contagious.” (24:59)


Recharge Mini Assesment

Free 360 Stress Survey

Dr. Heidi Hanna Website

The Beyond Funny Project Website

The American Institute of Stress Website

The Academy for Brain Health and Performance Website

The Highly Sensitive Person Website

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