
January 31



Even if it looks like you have it all from the outside, what is happening inside your body can often not match up. If you are feeling trapped or stuck by societies constraints of what you ‘should do’ and are looking for a way to connect back to your inner self, Lucinda Bakken White is here to help.

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After leaving a dream job at IBM and sinking into a deep suicidal depression, Lucinda realized that she was denying her own authentic self in order to conform to what society told her to do. After embracing her anger and finding the motivation to become her true self, Lucinda dedicated herself to helping other women rediscover their passions. Lucinda believes that when you connect with your authentic wildness there is a natural energy that enlivens you from the inside out, and she is sharing how to get in touch with that version of yourself today.

It might be scary to deny what you have been taught, but questioning what you know and coming up with a new belief can be powerful, not frightening. If you are having a crisis and feeling trapped, Lucinda is a kind voice of hope to help you get your life back to balanced. By checking your energy and tapping into who you truly are, you can live the life you have always dreamed of.

Do you struggle with the pressures created by society? Let us know where you are at in the comments below!

In This Episode

  • Why you may be betraying your authentic self without knowing it
  • How looking at anger as a motivator can help get you moving
  • Discovering your childlike authentic self and embracing your inner wildness
  • Creating instead of focusing on the problem and getting out of your routine
  • Getting in touch with your animal symbol to better understand yourself


“We want to feel loveable and fit in. So we end up conforming to other peoples rules. The rules of the society, our culture, our family. And we deny our authenticity on the inside” (3:57)

“I always come full circle with tragedy and obstacles in my life as ‘oh this lead me here and without this happening, I wouldn’t have gotten here and I learned so much and it is really not about the other, it is about me’.” (10:21)

“I always look at everything now as an immersion. I don’t know it unless I am immersed in it. (16:05)

“Wild just implies movement, and the only thing constant in nature is change. So we are meant to be constantly moving on that wheel” (20:43)

“Our authentic self actually has a gift that we are meant to share with the world to be a better place, and that gives our life a higher purpose and deeper meaning (23:04)


Confessions of a Bone Woman by Lucinda Bakken White

Lucinda’s Inner Wildness Guide Website

Lucinda’s Weekly Blog

Other Resources

Women Hacking Betrayal Facebook Group

Have you taken the Post-Betrayal Quiz yet?

Keep up to everything From Betrayal To Breakthrough

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About the author 

Dr. Debi

A Trusted Resource in an Untrusting Niche

Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute https://thepbtinstitute.com is an award-winning speaker, bestselling author, holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert who’s created a proven multi-pronged approach to help people heal (physically, mentally and emotionally) from the trauma of betrayal.

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