Today is an incredibly special day. It’s the 1 year anniversary of The PBT Institute!

This started as a vision and it’s been through the support of Team PBT, ALL of our incredible coaches and practitioners that this vision has become a reality.

I remember not long ago during my PhD study when the 3 exciting discoveries were made: 

1-Healing from betrayal is different from other types of crises and therefore, needed it’s own name which is now known as Post Betrayal Transformation
2-There’s a collection of symptoms so common to betrayal it’s now known as Post Betrayal Syndrome
3-While we can stay stuck for year, decades, even a lifetime (and so many of us do), if we’re going to fully heal, we’re going to move through 5 now proven and predictable stages

When the data emerged before my eyes with the help of my amazing study participants, I couldn’t get it out into the world fast enough. The Betrayal to Breakthrough program was born and people could now access the 5 stages so they can heal on their own.

Then, I wanted to spread the word even faster so The PBT Certification program was born and we have the best coaches/practitioners on the planet.

Then, the 2 TEDx talks. The first (Stop Sabotaging Yourself) was only 6 weeks after my own betrayal and it was a miracle I didn’t crumble on the stage. The 2nd talk: Do You Have Post Betrayal Syndrome? was terrifying but I was determined to get out of my own way so others would know that not only is healing possible, it’s predictable.

The supplement line was  created to offer additional support during healing, and meeting with essential oil experts to find any additional ways to support members in their healing while they’re doing this challenging work.

The books: The Unshakable Woman (which became an amazon #1 bestseller in 3 categories!), The Unshakable Woman (the workbook) and Trust Again: Overcoming Betrayal and Regaining Health, Confidence and Happiness (my PhD dissertation made reader friendly so everyone can access the over 500+ hours of writing and 250+ studies read and distilled in order to write that dissertation). Now, working on the next book now-stay tuned.

Then, the From Betrayal to Breakthrough podcast so the message of healing can be reached by even more people and hundreds of thought leaders could contribute to the healing of those in need. I’ve interviewed such incredible people, learned so much and feel so grateful that the podcast has a steady and loyal following. Listeners and viewers tune in each week to gain nuggets of inspiration, tools and support.

Oh yeah, and an entirely new marriage and family…all with the same people but all so different, all new and improved.

Now about our members. 

A dream is one thing, but when a dream becomes a reality it’s one of the most incredibly fulfilling experiences ever. NONE of this would have been possible without our members and for that, I’ll forever be grateful. It started with our very first member who proved that this idea is real and is still showing up and doing the work here daily-thanks for believing in us!

As we enter into our second year, get ready for more incredible masterclasses, sessions with our coaches, programs and when the world opens up a bit more, retreats and events. 

I’m on podcasts, summits and stages almost every day and I’m often asked: “What’s the future of PBT?” While I wish we could prevent betrayal, a second best option would be that The PBT Institute is the go-to place when anyone experiences the pain of betrayal and look at us as the training wheels they need, until they’re ready to ride again on their own.

With the deepest gratitude and appreciation for EVERY MEMBER IN OUUR COMMUNITY, Thank you for trusting in us. I know how scary that is after betrayal but there was something inside of you that believed in PBT enough to give it a try. I’m so honored that you did.

Here’s to the future of PBT!
Dr. Debi
Founder and CEO, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute

196 Solo: A Dose of Dr. Debi: The Discoveries