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Struggling to Trust?
You may have Post Betrayal Syndrome

If so, it’s impacting your relationships, your health, your work, your life. Let me invite you to take my exclusive quiz designed to reveal if you have
Post Betrayal Syndrome

*Please give yourself 4-5 minutes to take the quiz.  
Your results are way too important to rush through it.

Betrayal can blindside us, leave us questioning everything we’ve grown to believe in, trust, enable us to feel safe and can leave a devastatingly painful impact on our body and mind.

Betrayal has many faces and here are just a few:

  • Someone in a position of authority like a parent, a teacher, employer, mentor or coach. The understanding is that if you follow their direction, they’ll guide and support you appropriately. Then they do something harmful or inappropriate, taking advantage of that position of power. The rule or understanding is broken, that’s a betrayal.
  • It could be a partner. It’s understood that you’re both going to stay faithful and one of the partners has an affair. That’s a betrayal.
  • It could be a marriage. The understanding is that you’re going to grow old together and then you get divorced. The agreement is broken, that feels like a betrayal.
  • It could be your best friend. The unspoken rule is that you tell each other
    secrets and they stay between you both. They tell someone your secret. That’s a betrayal.
  • It could be a coworker you’re working with on a project. It was understood
    that you’re working as a team. They finish the project the project and present it to your
    boss without you. That’s a betrayal.

It’s also not just the major betrayals that keep us stuck.

It’s the micro-betrayals, the self-betrayals and the seemingly “no big deal” betrayals that affect us on every level too.

Which ones hurt the most? The ones that involve the greatest investment of our trust, sacrifice…and heart.

Here’s the problem:  If you’re not unpacking all of it and just trying to manage a symptom as it arises, you’re not going to make the progress you want. When you only work on a particular symptom, the root issue is never addressed…and never healed.

Can you relate? I hear you. I’ve been there and I can help.

There’s a collection of physical, mental and emotional symptoms and responses that were discovered during my PhD study on how we experience betrayal-what holds us back, what helps us heal and what happens to us when the people we’ve put our trust in lie, cheat and/or deceive.

Those symptoms became so obvious, it’s now known as Post Betrayal Syndrome™.

Could your physical, mental and emotional symptoms be due to
Post Betrayal Syndrome™?

(After you take the quiz, I’ll share where we go from there to get you feeling better)

Wishing you health and healing,

Dr. Debi Silber
Founder, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute
