
 Hi everyone! My name is Camryn, CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer), and I am so excited to begin a new project called Cup of CAMomile Tea with the incredible Dr. Debi Silber (although I best know her as Mom)! As part of this project, I will be writing and sharing blog posts filled with various little knowledge nuggets, tips and tricks, and some very empowering stories and lessons dedicated entirely to your self-care and well-being. Cup of CAMomile Tea was created with the intention that you can spend a few peaceful moments to snuggle up in a cozy blanket, sip on your favorite tea, and read all kinds of simple ways to incorporate even more self-care practices into your busy life. I hope that my content is not only inspiring, but that it gives you the space to relax, to learn something of value, and to at the very least realize that you aren’t alone, even when your life may feel like complete chaos. So put on your fuzzy socks, light a sweet-scented candle, and let’s get started! I can’t wait to see you there. 

Love, Camryn

Have some free time and not sure how to spend it? Here are 9 ways to spend time when you don’t know what to do:

Learn how to play an instrument
You can learn to play the piano, guitar, ukulele, harmonica, you name it! You can even share your new skills with your family and friends, and put on a concert in the living room. 

Channel your inner Bob Ross
Painting is an amazing form of creative expression that will calm you down as you go. Who knows, you may even become a world renowned artist! 

Call a friend
Call someone who makes you feel good, someone who puts a smile on your face. I bet you’ll put a smile on theirs, too.

With a million thoughts racing across your mind, taking a few moments for meditation is always a good idea. You can search for guided meditations on Youtube, or can simply play calming music while focusing on your breath.

Clear the closets
I bet there are clothes from decades ago hidden in your shelves that you didn’t even know were there. Go through all of it, and consider donating the clothes that you haven’t worn in a while. 

Research a topic that interests you
Is astrology your thing? How about gardening? Don’t hesitate to search the web for the topics that peak your curiosity. In honing in on these passions, you just might open the doors to new opportunities in your relationships, career, health, finances and beyond. 

Volunteering is a wonderful option if you aren’t sure how to spend your time. Not only will you be impacting the lives of others, but your life will be greatly impacted as well. 

Go for a walk
Technology can be an amazing resource, but don’t forget that real life is happening right outside. Take a walk in your neighborhood, get those muscles moving, and jam out to some tunes on the way.

Do nothing
Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is to do nothing at all. Take a few moments to relax, to embrace the nothingness, and to relish in the peace of it all.

Go get ‘em, tiger!


How to Let Go of Trust Issues and Learn to Trust Again