Come join me to celebrate the release of The PBT Institute’s newest book (for the betrayer): The Rebuild Roadmap: A Personalized Blueprint to Heal Yourself and Transform Your Relationships
Date:  Tuesday, May 2nd 1pmEST/12pmCST/11mMST/10amPST

It’s free!

RSVP here.

The PBT Institute’s Rebuild program (for the betrayer who is ready to change) has slowly become one of the most popular programs within The PBT Institute. So with that, all of our Certified PBT Coaches and Practitioners have decided to contribute their most effective strategies they teach our Rebuild members so YOU can access them within The Rebuild Roadmap!

Join me along with other Certified PBT Coaches and Practitioners for the Book Launch Party to discover:

  • The do’s and don’ts (what and what not to say and do after betrayal)
  • Strategies to help your partner rebuild a sense of safety and trust
  • Mindset shifts needed to stay honest, authentic, and in integrity
  • And so much more…

All so you can move forward and create a life you love!

RSVP here.

I can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Dr. Debi
Founder and CEO, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute
