Marie-Ève Bonneau lived for almost a decade with a devastating chronic illness that brought her to the edge of all that she knew. It took rewiring her brain and surrendering deeply for Marie-Ève to allow her experience to transform and to start embracing something entirely new from within herself.

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Now a psychotherapist, writer, facilitator, and initiation guide, Marie-Ève works to bring light to the darkness of those ready to transform difficulty into a path of awakening. If you have ever felt like the foundation of your life is crumbling, Marie-Ève’s experience with turning grief into gifts is something you need to hear.

By looking for the reason behind your betrayal, you can transform your mindset just like Marie-Ève and access your inner wisdom and the wisdom of the Universe. Everything from finding your calling through your crisis, taking time to be present with your feelings and how to start accessing your own heart space is on this episode as we explore how to shed, integrate and process into a new state of presence and beingness.

Have you ever felt like your body betrayed you? Share how you related to Marie-Ève’s story with us in the comments below.

In This Episode

  • Gain an understanding of Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses
  • The power of your thoughts and how to tune into something deeper than your mind
  • How to rebuild trust in the health of your body and mind after betrayal
  • Tips for harnessing your challenging experience into transformation
  • Strategies that you can use to move the needle when it comes to your wellness


“In those early days it did feel like my body was betraying me, it felt like the divine or maybe even life itself was betraying me, and I really had this sinking feeling that all bets were off.” (4:11)

“It took three years of very intensive treatment to finally make tangible progress, which felt like a miracle because I had tried to hard to dent the symptoms and nothing was working.” (7:38)

“Slowly but surely I started to feel like the clouds were parting, and my energy was returning, and I could function again.” (8:24)

“Instead of seeing it as a betrayal, that my body has betrayed me, I was able to shift that. And from a loving space, to actually attend to myself and attend to my body deeply.” (13:13)

“I started to orient around what I would call my center or my deepest truth, my inner essence. And then to learn to listen deeply and live in a state of reflectivity and connection and to move into the world from that place.” (21:39)

“Catastrophe or challenges that happen, whether it is an illness or something else, it is not a mistake. Ultimately it’s not a betrayal, but that is actually an opportunity.” (26:12)


Centered Within Website

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110: Traumatic Domestic Survival: Removing the Darkness and Finding the Light w/ Zoe Niklas