
A Message from Dr. Debi

Here are a few recommendations so you can get started on your healing right away:

#1 Apply to Work Directly with Dr. Debi:  We’ve supported thousands of people to fully transform after betrayal. In our Transform Membership, you get to work personally with Dr. Debi and the Certified PBT® Coaches to heal and experience your own transformation.

#2 Join Reclaim:  A 90-day experience for you if you’d benefit from private sessions with our Certified PBT® (Post Betrayal Transformation®) Coaches and Practitioners who bring in decades of expertise, our proven programs, masterclasses, Q&A with me (Dr. Debi), live, daily classes, and so much more.

#3 Sign up for our Trust Again 2.0 Program:  Get lifetime access to Dr. Debi's signature 5-Day Trust Again Program for only $97. In just 5 days you'll learn to feel safe again, love again, trust again. If you’re looking for an effective option you can do on your own schedule and at your own pace.

Copyright - Debi Silber Companies. LLC.
