
Often we define ourselves by our relationships, so when they crumble, we are left unsure how to rebuild everything around us. Suzanne Borelli experienced her own marital trauma and has worked every day to put aside her negative self-esteem to turn around her life for the better. Now in the best state of her life, Suzanne was a member of my ‘Fab 14’ Ph.D. study, and her contributions helped unveil discoveries around how women deal with betrayal.

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Today Suzanne is opening up about how she picked up the pieces, why you should make sure to put yourself on the list, and the importance of self-awareness, plus so much more. Our betrayal does not define who we are or our future, and Suzanne is all about taking micro steps towards creating a better situation for yourself.

Through her experience, Suzanne has become passionate about helping other women process their own grief and come out swinging on the other side. An advocate for prioritizing self-care, focusing on being thankful and taking note of your daily actions to improve yourself, Suzanne is a bright light and inspiring example.

Have you experienced a betrayal similar to Suzanne’s? Let us know in the comments below!

In This Episode

  • The three discoveries made during the ‘Fab 14’ study
  • Creating a new set of your own rules after betrayal
  • The difference between a post-betrayal transformation and post-betrayal syndrome
  • Why your biggest crisis can reveal your greatest gift
  • Doing something for yourself every single day to make you feel better


“If I could be of service and if I could help other women with the same struggle, I really wanted to be a part of that” (2:58)

“I realized that the pain of staying where I was stuck, that pain was much stronger than any of the pain of trying to experience something new” (8:43)

“I feel like my loved ones get a better version of me if I have self-care every day” (14:42)

“I was very mindful of okay, this has happened, how can I conquer this or how can I work with this?” (20:43)

“Part of this experience has rebirthed me or woken me up and I just feel really happy and lucky” (24:37)


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027: 10 Steps to Cope with Betrayal w/ Dr. Debi Silber