A Common Scenario

Here’s a common scenario after someone’s been betrayed. Let’s call the person in this scenario “Sue.” Years ago, Sue went through a betrayal that set off a series of events. She tried her best to heal, but she was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, struggling with weight, sleep and digestive issues and more.

At first, she had lots of energy, but over time, she started struggling with things that used to be easy for her. She felt like she didn’t have the patience she used to, she became forgetful, stopped going to the gym, she didn’t want to socialize, and it took all she had just to get through her day.

A Common (and Not Effective) Solution

To solve her ongoing sleep issues, Sue tried sleep aids, but they didn’t stop her from feeling exhausted during the day. So she started relying on sugar and caffeine to get more energy which also led to slow and steady weight gain. Unfortunately, the stress she went through had a big impact on her mental and emotional well-being. Her doctor prescribed mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medication to help her handle the daily challenges. Although these medications helped her function, they didn’t solve the underlying issues.

She was confused and upset, wondering why she was having such a hard time with getting things done that she used to do easily. Adding to her worries, her immune system was suppressed, and she was getting sick more often. When she looked in the mirror, she could hardly recognize herself. She looked much older than her actual age. The betrayal she experienced had a profound effect on her physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It Couldn’t Possibly be Because of the Betrayal… Right?

But here’s the thing: Sue was trying to suppress the symptoms as best she could. It felt never-ending where one problem popped up as soon as she dealt with another. Deep down, she believed that the betrayal she experienced years ago couldn’t possibly be the cause of her current issues because of the amount of time that had passed.

That belief was incorrect.

Unless Sue addressed the symptoms rooted in the betrayal, they would continue to affect her in so many areas of her life. While she could temporarily suppress these symptoms (and she tried to), true healing and transformation could only happen when she confronted the underlying stress—the betrayal itself.

Healing Opportunities

Since healing from betrayal requires healing physically, mentally and emotionally,  functional lab testing and coaching is yet another powerful way to help move through your betrayal. Betrayal creates a shock to the body, mind and heart. The debris left in the wake of a betrayal needs to be assessed and addressed at the roots. Functional lab testing can find many of those healing opportunities and slowly help to bring the body back into balance after the damage caused by betrayal.

Of course, healing physically is important and healing mentally and emotionally is important too. It’s important to realize that you don’t have to learn to live with these symptoms. They’re closely connected to the stress you’ve experienced, and that’s where the healing process needs to start.

Dr. Debi
Founder and CEO, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute

320: A Mini Dose of Dr. Debi: Strong Like Bamboo