Debi – I couldn’t wait to email you to tell you that I left your class feeling encouraged, energized, motivated and hopeful. I now have direction and a plan! Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks reveal.
I think it’s clear to me now what I am meant to do. I thank you so much, because just in that first session you just really got me to snap out of it and you gave me exactly what I needed to feel awesome again and that feeling has been growing ever since! I am really appreciative and grateful for that!
Debi Silber is an expert at building winners.
Thanking for helping me find me again!
I feel ready to move past all that has been holding me back and step into my new future.
I know there are no promises for my future but I do know I am equipped to handle them thanks to you, your program, and your counselors. Thanking for helping me find me again!
Debi Silber is highly knowledgeable, fun and engaging. She speaks about health, wellness and success in ways most people are afraid to and she delivers her wisdom with elegance and ease. I highly recommend Debi as a media expert as well as a guide on your path.
"Amazing woman Debi! Wow! I am proud to say I am at the beginning of stage 5. Knowing the 5 stages helped me identify where I am in my healing journey and, it validated what I have been through. I feel more hopeful! I also finished reading your book and, to be honest, even though it is short, it is the most straightforward and to the point book, I have ever read. No BS, no dancing around the words, no unnecessary useless pages to express the same idea. You did not waste my time. Thank you! I am enjoying this course tremendously, especially the exercises. much much gratitude." Love, Rita. Cairo, Egypt
I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. PBT didn't just help me heal from betrayal, it saved my life.
You are my hero in health and wellness and just seeing your smile makes me want to be happy and positive!!
Thank you Debi… everything you said makes so much sense and is common sense! Can’t wait to read your book!
Debi’s compassion for your health is genuine, her knowledge is extensive, her enthusiasm is infectious!
“A month after PBT online was made available to members, I suddenly experienced a trauma response from a flashback of a darker time in my life. During that flashback experience, I asked the universe to guide me to release my trauma. The following day my answer came when I heard Debi for the first time on an online summit. As I heard about the 5 stages of PBT, I received the clarity and awareness that I needed to launch forward from the state of feeling trapped by my trauma experiences. Fortunately I signed up as a member of the PBT online community, which turned out to offer a “buffet” of supportive resources to meet my needs to connect and learn the steps toward transformation and more. This is by far the best online support community I have ever seen or experienced and covers all the bases.”
If you’re looking for a little more mojo, a little more energy, more profits and a total transformation, check out my friend Debi Silber!
Debi was a fantastic guest. Energetic, focused, passionate and very gracious. Her expertise and passion were evident and the topic timely. I would definitely have her back on as a guest!
I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me in becoming my healthiest, transformed personal best. God truly sent one of his most admirable angels, when he created you! I am so tremendously blessed to have done the coursework and the hard stuff of “facing it, feeling it in order to heal it!” You are an inspiration to all.
Joining PBT was one of the best decisions I could have made. The community was amazingly supportive! So much love, so many with shared experiences. It is POWERFUL knowing you are not alone. I noticed results within a couple of weeks.
The PBT Institute gave me a place to be heard and validated. I was assured the things I felt were real and true. I was given a way of thinking, a path forward, that led me toward healing. What I was looking for, that I did not get with any therapy, was a step by step way forward. The PBT community was the ONLY place where you could follow a path.
Yesterday was a HUGE breakthrough for me and it felt great!
Debi Silber has created a simple system to improve your body, mind, image and lifestyle. More companies and individuals need to ‘get their mojo back’ and Debi can help!
PBT Changed My Life!
“I can’t say enough how you and the PBT community changed my life. I could not do this healing journey without you. I was living in despair for 40 years and couldn’t figure out why. I had denied being betrayed and was living a numbed life physically and emotionally. I didn’t know who I was. I was just going through the motions of taking care of my family and didn’t realize I had lost my soul for all those years. I’ve learned through you that betrayal is a different kind of pain. It stripped me of my identity and 40 years of my life.You have given me tools to dig deep within myself to discover my true self. It was crucial that I must acknowledge the pain in order to grow through it. Thanks for “holding my hand” through the 5 stages of betrayal. I never looked at pain as an opportunity for healing. Something I would never have done without your guidance. Thanks
Through all the tears, anger, insecurities and fears you were right there for me. Thanks
Thanks for always encouraging me to push forward. I am sooooo much better than I ever had been. I really like myself. I know longer neglect my feeling. I speak up. I know I deserve to be loved and cared for. I’m not what happened to me. What happened to me were stepping stones upward to opportunities toward happiness and joy. Thank You for guiding me through my healing journey. I am a brand new me and I owe it all to you and the PBT community.
With A Grateful Heart to Dr. Debi and the PBT Community,”
Again I Say Thank You
I’m loving the path you’ve led me to and I’m grateful for your guidance to see what I didn’t know was inside me.
I wanted to thank you for everything. I’ve read your book 3x and highlighted the parts that really resonated with me. I refer to them whenever I need to. 😊 I’ve learned so much. Debi, you have helped me heal and for that I am forever grateful! I look forward to continue working on myself and helping others heal in the process.
"You cannot imagine how grateful I am for you in my life! I have transformed to a level that I sometimes do not recognize the new Ultimate Light of Pamela. It became clearer to me that I was ready to move on, when I was only adding comments, not asking questions [in the community]. I meditate daily, Pray to God, Journal, walk outside, and have returned to my Yoga practice. When the fear arises and the unknown, I now move to transform fear to excitement. I know very well that my transformation is a lifetime process of growth and change, and I now feel open to face it! Love and Blessings to you and your family!"
"This has done wonders for me. I was stuck for almost 6 years after my betrayal .
It took One Step of this program to break my everyday pattern of being stuck!! That took a weight off my shoulders that I didn't even know was there. I have been able to heal in ways I never thought was possible for me!! Thank you so much for Everything Debi..I will recommend this program to everyone I know going forward who needs help. Thank you again."
“When I joined I thought I would never recover from my betrayal. I was trapped in stages 1-3 for longer than I knew. Being part of this community was support I needed to envision my best life, and go out and make it happen. I still have a lot of life to live, and I continue to work on myself every day. But I also know I have the strength to make it. I’ve gone from the first D-Day moment, discovery, to the second D-Day, divorce, and now am creating the best version of myself.”
Thank you so much for offering your program at the generous price you did just when I was dealing with my husband leaving and friends bombarding me with their opinions, suggestions and appeals to take him back. All that is past now. With your help I found the courage to decide what I truly want and the strength to stay with my vision for my life. I am in a wonderful place now with my kids and I know I will navigate the future with grace and joy.
I am so grateful!
I am delighted to report that I am feeling so much better, stronger, a new version of me, a new life and a hopeful, empowered future ahead. For many sustained months now. I look back on my years with PBT and learned and 'leaned in' so much from the coaches and members.
I am so grateful for the wisdom, support and roadmap that Dr. Debi created to help us all. Again, I am so grateful!
I am about to finish the program and cannot believe the difference that it has made. Between the course and the classes, taking the Trust Again Challenge and reading the Trust Again book it feels like I have been in university for a full degree program. Although I would never wish a betrayal like mine on anyone, and can't believe that this has happened to me, the amount that I have learned about myself, my relationships, what I want and deserve, and that I will okay no matter what happens to me is truly a treasure.
Debi has had a fantastic influence on my life. She is very insightful and gives you the tools and strategies you need to conquer various obstacles of your life. I highly recommend that anyone suffering the repercussions of betrayal work with Debi because she will help you change your life for the better.
I’m amazed at the level of growth...
I want to thank the whole PBT team. These last 3 months have been incredibly helpful in my healing journey. When I look back at what I was experiencing in December and think about the journey from then until now, I’m amazed at the level of growth and transformation that’s blossomed in my heart, head, and soul. This resource was critical for me at my hardest and most painful moments. I felt so seen, so validated, and so supported. I am a much stronger person as a result of everything I’ve been through and my self-worth and self-confidence are restored, thanks to having this PBT resource.
"I'm not going to tell you what a great site, great coaches and an absolutely amazing community you have created, because we all know how true that is. What transpires within this community and the far reaching ripple effect is something one can only experience."
I’m so proud of myself and I’m shocked at how I’ve been responding to everyone and everything lately. I feel so much better and I’m excited to keep going, thanks!
I came here from Debi's 5-day Trust Again Challenge and won 1 month of the Standard Membership woohoo! Thank you so much again <3 I was a mess. Felt like I'd been shot. Multiple times from different people. Then, like the hospitals had all disappeared. I felt all alone. And on top of it all, unable to trust. Physically, I was sleeping a LOT. Lost weight. Would forget to eat. Mentally, brain fog 24/7. Lack of concentration. And I used to pride myself on my focus and clarity. Overthinking. Constant rumination on the event(s). It was lovely! I actually did the whole Betrayal to Breakthrough program within 3 weeks. I just got the last module finished today! I know Debi recommends 1 per week, but I wanted to finish it all within the free month, and I just started my gap year so I had the time. I've literally taken up 83 pages in my journal! Whoa, didn't even notice it until now. I'd just had my head down working. The community was also so welcoming, and it was pretty cool to see so many people from different walks of life, stages of life, and stages of healing. I felt so held and supported by the response to my introduction post. I was afraid to reach out given the nature of betrayal, but it was lovely to be held in that moment. After about 2 weeks I'd say? However, I think the results will be most apparent moving forward. Especially since I've just had my head down doing the work. Sense of companionship, reminding me that I'm not crazy. Betrayal to Breakthrough was awesome. The last thing I'd written down (which Debi said) is "I have been rebuilding from the rubble."
Debi's book shows you how to develop a lifestyle full of health, energy and vitality that you may have never experienced before!
“For over 40 years I have studied health, nutrition and done biblical research. Seven years ago I married who I thought was my soulmate but I later learned he is a narcissist. My world and health were turned upside down. I have been searching for answers for five years and your home study class is exactly what I needed to change my life and heal from repeated betrayal. I have taken notes and I listen to your class videos daily over and over. One of the most important things I learned is the same principal I apply to physical healing and that is you must get to the root cause which is the stress caused by the betrayal and then the symptoms will go away. I see things clearly now, I am sleeping better, improving my self care, and looking forward to a better future thanks to you and this class with the needed support.
I have told many people about your class and books. You have changed my life at a time when I did not think that was possible. Thank you so very much.”
“I am so grateful for Debi and the coaches at PBT, at one of the lowest points in my life, the universe guided me to one of Debi’s TEDx talks and that lead me to PBT. It was so hard in the beginning and it took me some time to get to a place I felt comfortable having someone else see my pain, but once I did there was no turning back! With the tools and knowing that everyone here (PBT) understood the path I had come from and the new one I was on, I began to feel the support and my own inner strength. Having the classes available to watch at anytime gave me somewhere to go when I needed to shift my energy back to my path and stay focused. I began slowly recognizing patterns and realizing I had a choice to step aside when the environment was abusive, this didn’t have to be my life. Each time I got out of the way of the energy from my abuser and watched with no entanglement, I began to feel empowered to continue getting to know me and my internal ability to feel my power. Power for me is the quiet, peaceful knowledge that helps me feel and focus my thoughts though this process and life. There is so much more I am thankful for within the PBT and know that this is a new beginning that I will continue to foster and I am excited to see the places I am going and the person I am becoming! Thank you again Debi for this beautiful community and all the diversification and accessibility to the information you have developed and continue to create!”
Betrayal of two husbands in similar fashion I was a wreck both times after not seeing it coming. Have done some very good work and thought pbt could give the tools to trust again so that I can become a whole person. I looked forward to our daily time with Debi. First exercise let me know there is much I don’t know about myself. To move me further down the path of healing and wellbeing.
Insightful, knowledgeable and entertaining… Debi Silber will inspire, motivate and have your listening audience begging for more.
I know I would not be in the place I am right now without having found you and your program!!! Thank you for everything- your energy, passion, love and inspiration. You have changed my world for the better and that has meant so much to me!!
Such an impact on my healing journey!
The last two months have had such an impact on my healing journey, and while I am not fully “there” just yet, I now know I AM going to get there, and am so glad that I made the decision to join and find the community, help and support, that I have needed. This is the place where healing can happen and I know that there are so many more of us out there with no roadmap or lighthouse at all.
I will always be grateful...
Thank you. I will always be grateful for finding this community. It is a support system that many need but unfortunately may not always find. There is simply no way my wife or I would be where we are individually or as a couple if it were not for the PBT® Community.
Debi Silber has a rare talent. Her ability to communicate ideas is second to none. The advice she offers is pragmatic, down to earth and rock solid. She gives freely of herself and speaks as a person who has been there, done that. Debi can show you how to do it beginning this very moment. Everyone should do themselves a favor by partnering with Debi.
This was a stellar program and I really have learned so much and made some major break throughs. I really appreciate all the help you have given me and I thank Dr. Debi for this great program and her kindness.
Deb said something so profound it changed my life. “Your goal should be to get your feet planted on the ground so that you can be balanced enough to handle all that life throws at you. If your feet are firmly planted, you will not tip over and fall.” Deb’s positive energy is contagious. She inspired this working mother who was just so tired to take some time for me. Since working with Debi, I went from not being able to run for 5 minutes to running a marathon and I lost over 70 pounds. Deb, my feet are firmly planted and I am ready for the rest of this wonderful journey I am on! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
I went from feeling on the edge and hopeless, to seeing a future I never could have imagined before the betrayal. I have become an entirely new person who is competent in ways I never imagined.
Thanks to my wonderful, very, very special coach, who has been a lifesaver. Literally. Debi, when I walked into your office less than 7 months ago, I had real doubts. You had none. What matters is the path we choose each day. You were tough on me but always kind. You have a real talent Debi and I am fortunate to have worked with you. xoxo
After 28 years of "happy marriage", the discovery of multiple betrayals left me totally devastated and not sure who to trust. I couldn't even trust my own intuition. I was so lucky to find the PBT community. The program, classes and coaches are amazing. They gave me the help that I needed to heal, grow and eventually thrive again.
Thanks for your faith in me and the tough love when it was necessary... Thanks so much for creating this outlet... I can’t imagine where I would be without it.
I learned to set boundaries with the takers and stopped chasing/associating with some toxic people and life has opened up so much more. I have more time for my fun and loving relationships. I am celebrating how far I have come.
Debi Silber has done so much in a short period of time. Her passion gets others thinking that what was once impossible is attainable. Just do it!
The PBT program is great! Debi made it so easy to understand the 5 stage process we all go through after betrayal. Taking the Betrayal to Breakthrough program helped me to address any residual feelings I may still have had before starting the certification program. Debi made me feel comfortable going to her with any questions I may have and Ling made me feel comfortable going to her with any technical difficulties! Looking forward to continuing my journey with PBT Institute!
Debi is brilliant. She really knows her stuff. She totally understands the emotional component. On top of that she has the highest standards to putting it all together, all that in one package….and take a look at her…..she sets the standard by her high energy, intelligence, ability to relate to clients, compassion, and drop dead body.
What an amazing and completely empowering experience! Debi’s approach to coaching is focused on total success: not only did my business grow exponentially because of working with her, my core Passionista was alive, present, and engaged during every conversation. Thanks a MILLION!
After just two classes with Debi I already have more energy and I feel better all around. Debi makes you realize how easy it is to make simple changes that enhance the quality of your life in all areas.
The first time I heard you speak I knew I had to join PBT and work with you and I am so grateful that I did. It was nice to work with someone who has been there, gets it and healed in such a positive way. You are a role model and an inspiration to all who are on this journey of what is truly possible. You helped me understand where I am and what I need to do to move forward. The seed has been planted and I am taking better care of myself in so many ways. I am much more focused on where I am going rather than where I have been. Your work has changed my life and I know it will change the lives of many others as well. 🙏
I was moving forward in my life but without a real direction. From our very first meeting, Debi was able to help me focus on finding what was inside of me that needed support and encouragement, and helped me gain the confidence to allow it to shine through. I now have my own business helping people in life changing situations become independent. With Debi I learned to soar higher than I ever imagined! Thank you Debi!
I am happier and much more at peace!
Thank you PBT® Community. Each of you has helped me grow and rebuild myself in some fashion. I sleep better now. I am better at living in the present. I am happier and much more at peace. My personal growth and improved self-care are directly related to this PBT® journey, and it has been astonishing. My healing and transformation have been the absolute result of all the sessions, videos, chats, homework, etc. Thank you very much!
I can most certainly see Dr. Debi REALLY knows what she's doing and the program is excellent. I've made real progress in such a short time and know that more can be learned to help me. I've been working on this issue for almost 5 years and I can see that this is the best program of all. Dr. Debi has given me hope that things can and will get better.
Debi Silber has the ability to blend knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and compassion to help women create the body, lifestyle and life they crave.
"The PBT community has offered me the amazing support and encouragement I needed when I was so lost. I do not know where I would be without this healing journey laid out and supported by PBT. PBT has given me hope and a return to vitality, happiness, and a life worth living. I am forever grateful! Thank you, Debi, and team."
I was given a lifeline...
This program felt like I was given a lifeline for navigating the treacherous waters of betrayal. When I found myself grappling in the aftermath, I felt lost, alone, and utterly shattered. Countless therapy sessions, with multiple experts, and nobody even mentioned betrayal trauma. But then I discovered this community, and everything changed. All my symptoms and feelings started to make sense. For the first time, I felt heard and understood. Starting this program felt like a beacon of hope in the darkness, guiding me towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.
Dr. Debi’s class is the best class I have ever taken even though I have a lot of healing. I look at her program as a lifeline to keep me from drowning.
If you have experienced betrayal of any kind, take this course from Betrayal to Breakthrough. Debi walks hand in hand with you through the 5 Stages of healing and you will come through stronger, more courageous and whole hearted.
I feel that this program has been the answer I’ve been searching for. After years of reading, studying, listening to all sorts of opinions on each of the topics you brought me through these few weeks, I finally have the direction to uncover the person I am meant to be! During last night’s class I found myself nodding my head to so many circumstances you were referring to., sometimes with a smile on my face. and at other times with my eyes welling up with tears. My vision of my ultimate self begins with ultimate health, and that’s where I want to begin. My sincere thanks.
I was badly betrayed by my husband when I found out he was gay and living in denial. I had a lot of anxiety, digestive issues, and anger that were keeping me stuck! I did all the modules, participated in all the coffee chats, and did the work through the five stages that made it possible to move through my healing journey. I started to have less anxiety and worry as I faced both past betrayals with my parents and with my ex husband It helped me face the betrayal and heal from it! I have new boundaries and a new level of understanding, a new world view!
I feel so much stronger, calmer, and more focused. I don't feel scared or overwhelmed any more. My boundaries are strong and I have no issue with enforcing them. I have found that if I experience a problem, I can use the skills that I have learned to get to the bottom of why I am feeling that way quickly and I can course correct immediately. Things that were triggers for me, don't even pop up on my radar anymore.
Debi is knowledgeable, enthusiastic and a true example of someone who’s passionate about helping others become their personal and professional best so they can create fulfilling lives versus living a life by default.
Top Notch
I have done the Reclaim program and found it to be very helpful and worth the expense. Dr. Debi and her staff are top notch and are very willing and able to help guide you through the devastation of betrayal into a new view on life!
Thanks so much for everything!
WOW, this is so powerful and the most comprehensive explanation of the transformation process I've heard at age 78. It looks like a lot of work but I'm excited and hopeful after many programs, years of therapy and even working as a psychotherapist to gain freedom to embrace and hold onto ME. Thank you for doing your work and going on to inspire others. You are deeply appreciated.
I was ripe and ready for this program. The suffering I have been through has gone on much to long. 22 years is a long time to suffer. This program has helped me learn so much about myself. All of the misbeliefs that I had about myself made me feel so stuck! The bridging exercise, how to use these beliefs to create a new mindset was ingenius. I feel that I have made so much progress and I am only halfway through the program. I think I have progressing because I was so ready and was looking for a way to heal, but I didn't know how to go about it.
Thank you for developing this program of healing from betrayal. It has made a significant impact in the quality of my life. Now I have set so many goals for myself. I am just going to move forward now.
Debi is an intuitive laser focused coach committed to helping you have whatever it is you want. She has huge a wealth of information at her fingertips to get you through whatever you need to achieve results-body, mind and spirit. I am grateful for Debi for creating this class and to me for saying YES to it.
Thank you for a wonderful session. You are extremely welcoming, bright, motivating, fun and a great listener. Thank you!!!”
This experience was amazing for me. I came into The PBT Institute because I was absolutely stuck in Stage 3 and I couldn't make more progress on my own. I had no support and no guidance. I watched several coaching videos and coffee chats everyday. I did every lesson and worksheet more than once to make sure I got to the bottom of my issues. I so much appreciated the support I got in the community. I felt so hopeless at the beginning and felt like I wasn't making any progress until I was watching a coffee chat and realized I have become an entirely different person than I was before. It felt like my whole perspective shifted and locked into a new position of power, peace and strength.
I attended two events where Debi was a speaker, participated in two webinars and one 5 day program, and I have read four of Debi's books and they have made a difference in my life. I enjoyed them all and it helps to write down my experiences and goals. I also visited several of the programs on line. Several things over the last three years had me whirling, Two family illnesses, a death in the family and of course the pandemic was overwhelming. It helped to be busy and thinking things through. I found all of the online classes very interesting. It actually helped to know I was in control of my thoughts. I found that my thinking changed after the week long five day program. It helped me to understand that I needed to heal myself but that I didn't have to do it alone. Many of my problems seemed much more mundane after hearing some of the other issues people were going through. I have great respect for Debi and all her staff.
This Thing no Longer Has a hold on Me.
This thing no longer has a hold on me. I can love and even trust freely again and that is a place I never thought I would get, or even think was good for me to get, 6 months ago. I do see reconciliation in our present/future . I feel better than I have in 20 months and the impact is reduced 99% over what it was at one time
Debi Silber was a great person to interview because she is genuinely knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the work that she does. She puts her insights into plain language and gives explanations through wonderful anecdotal analogies. It was a pleasure learning from Debi, and I look forward to working with her again in the future.
As a new mom, I found myself overwhelmed, out of shape, uncomfortable…and 50 pounds overweight. I didn’t even want to get into pictures with my new baby because of how I looked and felt. Debi helped me steadily lose around 2 pounds every week while getting stronger, leaner, more confident and better able to handle the challenges that come with a lack of sleep and a new addition to the family. Besides just showing me how to do it, she’s so inspiring because she’s done it herself. Today I’m only 3 pounds away from my goal, I LOVE to exercise, I know the foods I need to eat to keep me fueled and energized, and I’m more confident than ever before. I couldn’t have done it without Debi’s help and it’s great to know I have all the tools I need to stay fit, healthy and happy while being a great role model for my new baby girl.” -
While I was driving home today, I was planning to send you an email thanking you so much for all your words of wisdom last night. I truly gained a lot of insight from our frank discussion and I appreciate your advice and your honesty. You really helped me “shed a new light” on certain things!! Thank you, Thank you Thank you!! You are truly an amazing person!!! Thank you so much.
Every once in a while I have the opportunity to meet someone who is a true “Master” of her vocation. Debi’s passion for excellence in making a sustained positive difference in her clients and in her community speaks volumes about her talent and spiritual growth.
Thank you so much for making such an impact on my life is such a short amount of time. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel like I am starting to see a way out of the deep hole that I have fallen into for the last several decades of my life. I have felt as if I can finally see a glimpse of sky from that deep hole.
For as long as I can remember I have never felt “good enough” based on the image I have of myself. Recently, I had just given up and I was spiraling down into a deep depression despite all of the wonderful blessings that I have in my life because I simply did not know what to do anymore. So, this is just a note of thank you for caring and for helping me. You have already affected me so much.
This is a priceless investment in yourself. I’ve done more in the program in 2 weeks than in 3 years of therapy and marriage counseling, tons of counseling seminars, tons of money-nothing has helped until this community.
Hi Debi. 3 more pounds this morning! Last week was 3 too, and I didn’t use the scale the first week. So, I figure its somewhere between 6 and 9 for the 3 weeks since I started. I can’t believe I’m actually losing weight! I’ve tried so many times over the last 10 years. I finally became resigned to believing that between menopause, hormone replacement and medication, it was a losing battle – amazing! (The following week) Another 2.5 pounds! I am just amazed. I really had pretty much given up before. Lots more to go but at least it’s moving down. Onward! Thanks for all your help.
I joined 10 months after d-day. I was floundering, getting nowhere. I tried therapy, different communities, groups, videos, podcasts, etc. But still was going in circles. PBT was a godsend. Without PBT, I think I would still be a mess.
Debi Silber is all heart! She is a living, breathing example of what she teaches on every level. I have this image of her sitting on Oprah’s couch… the energy is very high in the room… and Oprah leans over and says to Debi… “Where have you been all my life?!” The conviction and confidence behind Debi’s message is helping us transition to a more heart centered world.”
Finding the PBT Institute was a lifesaver for me. The PBT Institute helped me find my way to a happier, healthier me and a new relationship with my husband. Don’t live another day being miserable - do this for you! The ripple effect on those you love will be incredible.
I thank God every day for putting a woman like Debi Silber into my life. I was urged to seek her help when I was at my lowest point. She opened my eyes to the path I was going down and where I would end up if I never took charge of my life. She made me realize that the fear of the unknown and being comfortable in my less than ideal situation was what was holding me back. If I wanted to see my life change, I was the only person who could make that happen. She helped me take charge. This amazing woman listened to me, gave me words of encouragement, strategies on how to cope and deal with my emotions and anxiety, and most importantly, held me accountable. She was always there for me, and I know she always will be. Debi helped me save me from myself and helped me build a life that I always dreamt of. The months we worked together were some of my worst, but they were also my best because Debi gave me the strength to grow as a woman and realize my worth. I will forever be grateful to Debi for giving me so much and for giving me my life back!
Thank you Deb. I appreciate you and what you have helped me overcome more than you’ll ever know. You have given me the tools and it’s up to me to follow through with what I have learned. I know in my heart that I can do this, but my head every now and then gets in the way. It’s comforting to know when that happens I can count on you to get me focused and back on track. Thank you Debi… for teaching me how to love me.
I just listened to the first class. It was stunning in its depth and clarity. This is really a new field and I am so glad I have the tools to begin to heal from the catastrophic betrayal I experienced. I believe I am in stage three and trying to make decisions about my future based on the reality of now. Such truly good information.
Debi has guided me towards believing in myself again and with her support she has motivated me to resolve inner conflict so that I can find happiness and clarity. Debi’s kind nature and upbeat personality allow me to feel comfortable and trusting that she will help me become the person that I want to be and to live the life I desire.
“I have re-discovered truths that I’ve known since childhood and I give much credit to this course that I was able to embrace the learnings that have changed my life for the better. I cannot express with words the healing that has taken place and the gratitude that I feel.”
When I started working with PBT six months ago, I was a hot mess. I didn’t trust anyone...especially myself. Fortunately, I chose to invest in myself and over these past months, have done all the work to transform myself into a happy, thriving, confident woman who could not be more grateful and excited about the rest of her life. Thank you, PBT!
Debi Silber is to health what Bentley is to automobiles: The class of the field, powerful, effective, and a stand out in any crowd. She helps you stay healthy holistically—body and mind, emotions and intellect. Being around her is like being around a Life Force. Thanks so much for your contribution and appearance at my convention. You light up the place, and I greatly appreciate it.
Hit hard by divorce and challenging life circumstances, I called Debi when I was reeling from emotional entanglements, increasing dependency on cigarettes, racking myself with guilt about junk food, feeling like a fraud and a failure. I no longer wanted my victim story to continue and knew I was capable of many great things but low-self esteem and overwhelm had gotten the better of me. I’m still working my way through her 3-month program and will say that Debi cut through my bull with such precision in our first session that I cut out the cigarettes that very day. Since then, she’s helped me unravel emotional spirals with such efficiency that I’ve been able to start working on the driving force within me – to create a life I love, meaning, and abundance, making centered-based decisions from a place of self-love and purpose. With Debi’s expert help and encouragement, I’m finding a fun and creative way to get my own wellness transformation story out to the world, something that has eluded me for a decade. If you want to course correct your life in a way that gives you meaning and fulfillment – don’t be afraid just because of where you’re presently at. Call Debi. She’s the real deal.
Debi has guided me towards believing in myself again and with her support she has motivated me to resolve inner conflict so that I can find happiness and clarity. Debi’s kind nature and upbeat personality allow me to feel comfortable and trusting that she will help me become the person that I want to be and to live the life I desire.
My time with Debi has made a huge difference in my health and quality of life. I am almost off my medication for fibromyalgia. I had been on it for 4 years. I am so glad I met Debi. I’m definitely peaceful, happy and loving my life!
Debi Silber is a woman on a mission. I met Debi at my National Publicity Summit and later through my Quantum Leap program. She’s got the knowledge, experience and energy to inspire anyone to achieve their goals so they can achieve success in their personal and professional lives. If you’re ready to improve your inner and outer game, Debi can help.
If you want to have a balanced, successful life professionally or personally you’ve got to work with my friend Debi and here’s why. She gives you how to balance everything, She teaches you how to have a healthy body, healthy mind, healthy image and healthy lifestyle. Call Debi today, coach with her, listen to her, let her show you how to improve your personal and professional life!” -
Deb’s program was full of energy, enthusiasm, and passion. She is sincerely focused on finding for her clients, that ”delicate balance in life”. Whether it’s through weight loss, fitness, lifestyle changes, or self improvement, Deb’s dynamic approach truly wowed our audience. We could hear a pin drop as the crowd was engaged, motivated and most importantly, eager to learn more. We thank you Deb, for such a wonderful and inspirational evening.
I can’t even find the words to properly describe how instrumental you have been in helping me change my life. When I came to you I felt broken and defeated. I wanted to change my life, I just didn’t know how or where to start. With your help I created Debra 2.0, the new and improved version of myself that I always dreamed I could be. For those who feel lost, beaten down or in despair, they owe it to themselves to call you. I’m so glad I did!
This whole thing has opened up other endeavors and avenues in my life. As I gain knowledge, I feel more freed and liberated. I'm grateful for all of this learning and research--as I come to a state of peace--and a new worldview. Thank you, Debi. It's amazing--I'm learning to be happy again--and find a new life in spite of all this. Thank you, Thank you, Debi!!!
From the first moments we shared, I knew that you were a wonderful person…not just in a business sense, but a REALLY wonderful person. It has been an honor and a privilege to have worked and gotten to know you.
Your session about betrayal spoke to the deepest parts of me. For three years, I’ve struggled with a friend betrayal – I don’t want to spend another year ruminating on this betrayal because it is gradually ruining my identify, my life, my relationships, and the good things I still have. I can personally speak to the symptoms – the “foggy” brain, weight gain, bad skin, digestive issues, shattered worldview, irritability, achy body, extreme emotions, and “stuck” feeling – I look in the mirror and don’t recognize who is looking back at me. I’ve confided in friends and my husband, and currently, a therapist. Your session was eye-opening and articulated everything I have been feeling in my mind, body, and soul for the past few years. NO ONE has ever articulated betrayal the way you have! I am so happy to have found your video and hopeful that your program will help to improve me quality of life!
When I came into this community, I was a mess. I learned so much and was inspired to grow. I am really a different person now.
Thanks again for the PBT Institute and all you do! I can’t imagine how many more years of chasing my tail I would’ve endured without out. Much love and respect!
I’m doing great! I feel good, I’m the happiest I’ve been for a holiday season in YEARS! I’m remembering things I used to do and not even thinking about how to do them! I don’t have to worry about where I’m going or if I’m going, I can handle it. I’ve got my life back! I’m even dancing around the house periodically, thank you for my start!
I found the PBT Community just when I needed it most. I knew from the instant that I heard there was a coaching certification program that I would take it. I always wanted to coach, and sadly, this is an area where I have a lot of experience. With this certification, I can help others while staying immersed in the work.
I lost 100lbs by last April, on my own in 5 years time. I went to Debi to get to the next level. She helped my mind, mental perceptions and my health.
Debi’s podcasts have guided me through many difficult days. She has been a mentor to me with her honesty, calm sincere voice, professionalism, and her highly educated knowledge base. It is wonderful she shares so much with others….”others” she will never meet. Debi the rippling effect of your podcasts have helped so many woman. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for everything you do and share!
Debi Silber is the consummate guest; Articulate, Vibrant, Intelligent and exhibits the “MOJO” that can be heard and felt over the air waves, whether broadcast or streaming. Her desire to address every question or comment shows that ‘personal’ touch. I wish every guest and interview had Debi’s energy. Thanks Debi for the special touch you innately have and thanks for good and compelling radio! Let’s do it again!” -
From the first class, I knew I was in the right place. I was motivated to make changes and get to the real issue that was blocking me from having the strong healthy body I wanted. Debi is an intuitive laser focused coach committed to helping you have whatever it is you want. She has huge a wealth of information at her fingertips to get you through whatever you need to achieve results-body, mind and spirit. I am grateful for Debi for creating this class and to me for saying YES to it.
I really want to thank you for your encouragement, inspiration, & support after class. I have a clear vision & I’m excited for the possibilities of what it can turn into. Thanks again!
After being hurt deeply, I tried everything to heal. Nothing worked and I had pretty much given up on healing until I heard Debi Silber describe what happens to your mind and body after a betrayal. I knew this workshop was for me. I’m now healing and growing and have a new dream and vision for my life! So grateful for Debi and this betrayal work! Its life changing!
In 40 years of personal development work, including reading, studying and going to seminars with some of the most well-known leaders in the field, I’ve rarely come across one that produced lasting results. In fact, it’s unusual (in my experience) to find a “guru” that accomplishes much at all, other than getting my money into their pocket. Debi Silber is that rare individual.
Debi pumps you up but goes SO much deeper. In a very short time she helped me to look deep inside myself at who I truly am and, more importantly, who I can truly be.
Working with Debi isn’t always easy (unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a magic pill to success in any area of life) but she’s 100% there to guide you, encourage you and kick your @%$ when needed…and we all need our @%$'s kicked sometimes.
Looking for a coach who can help you make a REAL difference in your life? If you’re truly ready, Debi is the right choice!”
Thank you so much for today’s session. I really appreciate you so candidly sharing your story with me. It was very helpful to me- you are definitely an inspiration. You have overcome so much and you provide so much help to others. So, again, thank you. I will forever be grateful to you for helping change my life. I still have a long way to go but I feel I am slowly making progress with your help. I have never thought of things the way that you have helped me think of them and have helped me get to the root of my issues. You have helped me see how powerful the mind can be – and be both an extremely negative influence or a positive influence- depending on how it is working. I look forward to that day when I don’t feel this pain, unhappiness, and isolation any longer and can live my life to the fullest.
I’m so very grateful for you Debi. You’ve created a sanctity for me and for many others. This world needs more people like you. You are a light and a beacon for love, calm, and healing. Thank you for being you and for sharing your gifts with us all. My heart is full ❤️
As I was making breakfast for my children at the end of week two of Debi’s insightful and comprehensive five week class it all started to come together! Here it was 7:05 in the morning and I could feel and see my positive energy and sense of balance being played out in my children, who were happy and humming and singing as they began their day. Setting a positive tone for our household, creating a strong foundation for my family and having the energy to be able to balance family, work, and everyone’s active schedules were some of my goals. Right before my eyes it all was coming together….Thank you Debi for sharing your energy and light so I can spread it to my family and friends…
In just 4 short weeks, Debi Silber transformed my life! I had brain fog, was struggling with weight gain and had personal fears about exercise due to an injury. I also discovered I had a severe gluten allergy. Now I’m thinking clearly and I’m a lot stronger than I thought…oh and down 11 lbs! I also have an energy within myself that I haven’t felt in years. What I loved most about working with Debi, was her contagious energy, and that she truly wants everyone to live their best life. Thank you!
My healing/transformation is already taking place!
“I am currently on Module 3 and I can report that my healing/transformation is already taking place! Every day something new comes up in my awareness, something that I have either oppressed or forgotten about. My poor heart has been holding so much pain for so many years. I consider ‘encouraged’ not a strong enough word in my case. Not only do I feel encouraged, I am totally committed to this process. This is sooo happening!
I also feel that I’ve found the right place here at PBT Institute. So happy and grateful that Debi decided to “take the rest of us with her” after having done her research and discoveries. I’m all Hallelujah! because I needed this so desperately, you have no idea.
Thanks to all of you for doing what you do.”
I just wanted to share with you when I first thought about transformation, I envisioned the child’s toy that morphed from a car to a robot on the outside. What I didn’t expect was that transformation was a feeling of lightness INSIDE; now with an awareness that if I nurture this internal seed, it’ll create more of the life I want.
Although I am such a tadpole in this transformation process, the growth process is undeniable. Suddenly beliefs that my life was already fuller than most and I shouldn’t deserve more is erased. Positive affirmations reinforce I do deserve more.
I am finally moving off the path of trying to make my life together with someone a success after many, many years of failed attempts; only to realize the path best created is for MY life.
Scared of the outcome, I found a voice that was silent within me and that little transformation step made me realize this is the first time in decades that I didn’t go from one relationship to another; it was a relationship beginning with myself, who wants to grow, instead of the old belief it’s too late.
I’m loving the path you’ve led me to and I’m grateful for your guidance to see what I didn’t know was inside me.
I didn’t know where to turn and I know God led me to you, Debi. You have made a huge difference in my life, in the hardest time of my life, and I thank you so very much!
Debi totally rekindled my desire to get back to work on me. In a very gentle, kind and humorous way, Debi helped me to remember to take care of myself. She also has some really sound advice on problems that we face with our bodies that doctors don’t always tell you about.
Debi was fabulous! She was warm, funny, full of energy AND she shared real ideas that my listeners could actually put into use right away.
PBT and the support found within has saved me. It has shown me the light and taught me the tools I need to succeed and heal. This community offers something that cannot be found elsewhere.
I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make any serious changes in only a few classes. The fact that it only took 2 classes to make me realize I deserve to be healthy and happy for me – leaves me in awe of Debi and the program. The best hour of my week.
Training with Dr. Debi Silber and earning my certification as a PBT coach and support group host has been an enriching experience, building upon the solid foundation I developed during my own betrayal recovery. The in-depth knowledge and practical skills gained from the PBT program have enhanced my ability to support clients through their healing journeys. Hosting support groups has been particularly rewarding, as it provides a nurturing environment for individuals to connect, share, and grow. Seeing my clients reclaim their power and resilience reaffirms the impact of the PBT methodology. I am proud to be part of this healing community and to help others achieve lasting transformation.
Debi Silber is all heart! She is a living, breathing example of what she teaches on every level. I have this image of her sitting on Oprah’s couch… the energy is very high in the room… and Oprah leans over and says to Debi… “Where have you been all my life?!” The conviction and confidence behind Debi’s message is helping us transition to a more heart centered world.
I owe Debi a big thank you. I went through an extremely difficult situation with my husband. After a year of counseling with no help I was tired of feeling weighted down, I knew I needed something more to help me become the best me and mother for my kids, and that’s when I found Debi. From our first session I left feeling the best I have felt in months. Debi has not only opened me up to eating clean and exercising, she has taught me how to change my thought process from negative to positive and go after my goals without letting my self-doubt getting in the way from succeeding. Debi has had a tremendous impact on my life, on some of the tough days I still hear Debi’s words and they still guide me to become the Ultimate me! I can’t thank you enough, I truly don’t know where I would be had I not met you.
“I want to say that this program that you have built is really well constructed. I appreciate your patience and your positivity!! In the last 3 years, I have been heavily involved in helping myself in different coaching programs. While I’m grateful to those programs I feel like your program took everything I learned and helped me to tie up many of the loose ends that I needed. Your program helped me with some very very deep and painful things in my life from the abuse I faced as a child to me betraying my wife of 23 years. I could go on and on about your program. I must say I’m grateful for you and your support team. I can honestly say that putting in the work every day for the last 6 months has had a life-changing effect on me. Thank you! Thank You!!”
I knew when I heard your podcast interview that night, laying in bed with tears in my eyes that my life was going to change.. finally! Of course, being in survival mode like I was and for so long, I had no idea how it would change.
You have changed my life in a way I literally can’t even put into words, but I’ll try. I no longer eat sugar the way I used to. I ate salads and drank sparkling water the whole time I was on vacation (that NEVER happens). And I enjoyed it. And felt good. And wanted to eat that way. It was just natural. How I’m eating and how I act is so different from before the program. It’s been a life changing experience, as you’ve seen from everything I’ve shared in the group. I’ve loved the way you put the program together as well with the 15 min call with you to check in, the live group coaching, modules and the whole process. It’s been a great experience for healing. And despite being new to the online world with your teachings, the value is there and that’s what any of us care about and want. I’m not sure how many more years (if not the rest of my life) you’ve saved me.
I’m finally eating healthier without even thinking about it, have SO much more energy, was able to pin point what to work on with my therapist, no longer putting up with BS I don’t deserve and am willing to make waves to live how I want to (not how everyone else wants me to).
So, Debi, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. For showing up. Doing the work. I can imagine what you’re doing is not easy and takes a lot of dedication and work. This is no easy group of people to work with and help (I know how I was when I signed up). Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you so much. (I don’t know if a million thank you’s is even enough.. – I’ll just keep saying it. Thank you!
Debi is out of this world energetic, motivating and has inspired me to truly be my best self. I highly recommend consulting with her!
I don't know if I've ever been this happy before. When you said nothing else like this exists, you were so right because I've been to 8 therapists in the last 2.5 years, tried EMDR, and nothing has worked until NOW.
It was great seeing you today and for the first time in a long time I feel a ray of hope. THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!! Thank you so much for all your help!!!! I feel alive again for the first time in a very long time!!!!!!!
You have made such a difference.
“When I first joined PBT Institute I couldn’t attend anything live because I couldn’t quit crying long enough. I couldn’t understand how others where able to go on and not cry. I thought I would be the one to never heal. I was so heart broken. I lost family along the way. But I kept trying. Even though I’m still adjusting to my new normal and the new people my husband and I have become, I know it’s going to be ok now. I’m thankful my husband was willing to walk the journey for himself and us. I’m thankful for the family that does support me. Most of all I’m thankful for PBT Institute, the classes, the podcast, the replays and everyone involved. You have made such a difference. I can’t even thank all of you enough. I’m still uncovering old beliefs about myself. I’m still a work in progress but I just keep trying and I’m still standing. The days are looking much brighter and it’s going to be a bright sun shiny day!
Thank you, Debi! This has been such an enlightening & healing course!
Before I began this course, healing was not possible. So as my final thoughts are expressed, I offer my sincerest appreciate & gratitude for what you do & how you do it. You've changed my life & as I figure out what I am called to do next, which I can now focus on with a clear mind, I wish you nothing but love & blessings moving forward.
Debi Silber is one of the most motivating and energetic women I have ever talked to! She really made me realize that I need to focus on more areas of my life other than just fitness and nutrition and that without taking care of myself I will never be able to take care of others the way that I truly hope to. Thanks Debi for being a huge inspiration in my life!
I’m smiling so big from our meeting yesterday! I’m so thankful for everything that happened and it’s making me move forward towards these huge aspirations I have for myself. I don’t know what it was about yesterday but it really let me release everything and let it go. Thank you!!
"Wow! This was awesome. I went to the gym this whole week. Yoga, core strengthening and weights. Feel good, less pain. I focused on being gentle with myself and it extends to how I treat others in my life. So grateful for the learning and growth. You were so right, Debi. As I am going through this program, the people who used to push my buttons and make me act in unhealthy ways no longer do. There is nothing in me for them to hang their stuff on so they just leave me alone. I laugh so much these days. I feel the same joy I remember feeling as a child just being alive. Thank you."
I owe my new life...
I owe my new life to Dr Debi and her crew. All of you all have been great. I was in a terrible spot for 40+ years and have moved on. I have been single for 15 months now and absolutely love it. My health is also improving after high stress for many years!