In today’s episode, Olivia speaks out about the betrayals she and so many others have experienced and continue to face every single day.  

Olivia Cook is a certified Transformational Success Coach & NLP Practitioner, podcast host and motivational speaker. She helps service-based female entrepreneurs and content creators build habits to reach their next level of success. Focusing on productivity, mindset and using their menstrual cycles to their benefits. Her clients are able to increase their income, reduce stress levels and enjoy their success journey. 

Her podcast, The Empowered Woman Badass & Unfiltered was made to inspire, empower and educate. It showcases badass women from all over the world. Providing tips on personal development, mindset and healing. 

She is the co-founder of the Christ-driven brand, Relentless Glory. A brand whose purpose is to spread the word of God through motivation, education and praise. 

Olivia is also a Christian, military wife and humanitarian. She actively gives back to her community. 

In This Episode 

  • Paper bag test 
  • Not allowed to feel your feelings 
  • Molestation shame on the victim


Olivia’s Website 

Olivia’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn  

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Trust Again 2.0 

PBT Podcasts 

Healed or Hardened Quiz 

Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz 

Increasing Warmth and Reducing Loneliness this Holiday Season