The holiday season, with its festive cheer and traditions, can be a poignant reminder of past betrayals, casting shadows on what should be joyous occasions. In this episode, Dr. Debi offers some valuable advice on how to change the meaning of holiday celebrations and create a new association with this time of year. 

Discover how reframing your perspective on past events can be a catalyst for creating new celebrations aligned with your healing journey. Instead of dwelling on the pain, this episode encourages you to forge new traditions that bring joy and fulfillment into your life during the holiday season.

Rebuilding trust after betrayal is a daunting task, but Dr. Debi provides a compelling suggestion: walk in the shoes of those you love. This exercise becomes a tool not only for rebuilding trust in others but also for regaining self-trust, offering clarity for making decisions, big or small.

Dr. Debi also answers the burning question: How do you know if you’ve truly healed from betrayal? Join her as she emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the time it takes to heal from betrayal. She reassures you that the journey may be filled with ups and downs but envision a future version of yourself – one who is confident, healthy, peaceful, and happy. You are not alone; we’re here to support you through every stage of healing.


Key Takeaways:

[00:00:49] Change the meaning of betrayal.

[00:01:56] Regaining trust after betrayal.

[00:03:40] Emotional timeline of betrayal.


Memorable Quotes

“Just because the betrayal happened does not mean it has to negatively impact every holiday, every milestone, every everything. It doesn’t. The meaning changes because you change what you associate with it.” – Dr. Debi Silber

“If things are average in your health and your work and your relationships, you’re not healed. Here’s why. When you move through betrayal, through the five stages from betrayal to breakthrough, you become a different version of you that never would have had the opportunity to exist had that not happened.” – Dr. Debi Silber

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