

In this episode, we dive deep into the complexities of betrayal and trauma with Dr. Paula Rochelle. Dr. Rochelle shares her journey, including her experience working with traumatized children from orphanages and her personal story of surviving a plane crash. Together, we explore the impact of trauma on the brain and body, the process of healing, and the importance of forgiveness.

Key Points

  • Introduction to Dr. Paula Rochelle.
  • Background in neuroscience and naturopathy.
  • Experience working with traumatized children from third-world countries.

Personal Trauma: The Plane Crash 

  • Dr. Rochelle’s account of her plane crash and its aftermath.
  • Emotional and psychological impact of surviving such an event.

Understanding Trauma and Betrayal 

  • Differences between betrayal trauma and other types of trauma.
  • Betrayal impacts the self, leading to feelings of rejection and abandonment.

The Brain’s Response to Trauma

  • Role of the amygdala and hippocampus in trauma response.
  • The gut-brain connection and its significance in trauma.

Healing Strategies for Trauma

  • Importance of a holistic approach: gut health, hydration, and nutrition.
  • Use of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in healing.

Children & Trauma 

  • Common symptoms in traumatized children: anger, sleep disturbances, and gut issues.
  • The slow process of healing and the importance of community support.

Hormonal Impact of Trauma 

  • How trauma affects hormones, particularly cortisol and estrogen.
  • Strategies to balance hormones and support recovery.

Neurofeedback & Neuro Emotional Techniques 

  • Explanation of neurofeedback and its role in regulating brain waves.
  • Benefits of neuro emotional techniques and cognitive behavioral therapies.

The Role of Forgiveness in Healing 

  • The neuroscience of forgiveness and its importance in emotional recovery.
  • Different processes and tools to aid in forgiveness.

Practical Tips for Healing 

  • The importance of sleep and its impact on trauma recovery.
  • Identifying and addressing root causes of symptoms, such as parasites.

Final Thoughts & Encouragement 

  • Dr. Rochelle assures us that healing is possible and individual.
  • Encouragement to seek personalized paths to recovery and embrace willingness in the healing journey.


Dr. Paula Rochelle provides invaluable insights into the emotional healing process from betrayal and trauma. Her holistic approach, combining physical, mental, and emotional strategies, offers a comprehensive path to recovery. Whether dealing with personal trauma or supporting others through their healing journey, this episode is filled with practical advice and encouragement. 

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