
Your Unhealed Betrayal Is Impacting
Your Health, Work, and Relationships

(even if it happened years ago)

There's a Research Based, Predictable and Proven
5 Stage Roadmap to Move Through ALL of It

Want to work with Dr. Debi directly?


Joining PBT was one of the best decisions I could have made. The community was amazingly supportive! So much love, so many with shared experiences. It is POWERFUL knowing you are not alone. I noticed results within a couple of weeks.

Zuzu Monro , Canada

I’m so very grateful for you Debi. You’ve created a sanctity for me and for many others. This world needs more people like you. You are a light and a beacon for love, calm, and healing. Thank you for being you and for sharing your gifts with us all. My heart is full ❤️


When I started working with PBT six months ago, I was a hot mess. I didn’t trust anyone...especially myself. Fortunately, I chose to invest in myself and over these past months, have done all the work to transform myself into a happy, thriving, confident woman who could not be more grateful and excited about the rest of her life. Thank you, PBT!


I joined 10 months after d-day. I was floundering, getting nowhere. I tried therapy, different communities, groups, videos, podcasts, etc. But still was going in circles. PBT was a godsend. Without PBT, I think I would still be a mess.


Finding the PBT Institute was a lifesaver for me. The PBT Institute helped me find my way to a happier, healthier me and a new relationship with my husband. Don’t live another day being miserable - do this for you! The ripple effect on those you love will be incredible.

Debbie K

I don't know if I've ever been this happy before. When you said nothing else like this exists, you were so right because I've been to 8 therapists in the last 2.5 years, tried EMDR, and nothing has worked until NOW.

Katie , WV

I am so grateful!

I am delighted to report that I am feeling so much better, stronger, a new version of me, a new life and a hopeful, empowered future ahead. For many sustained months now. I look back on my years with PBT and learned and 'leaned in' so much from the coaches and members.

I am so grateful for the wisdom, support and roadmap that Dr. Debi created to help us all. Again, I am so grateful!


When I came into this community, I was a mess. I learned so much and was inspired to grow. I am really a different person now.


I didn’t know where to turn and I know God led me to you, Debi. You have made a huge difference in my life, in the hardest time of my life, and I thank you so very much!

Sharon B.

PBT and the support found within has saved me. It has shown me the light and taught me the tools I need to succeed and heal. This community offers something that cannot be found elsewhere.


Thanks for your faith in me and the tough love when it was necessary... Thanks so much for creating this outlet... I can’t imagine where I would be without it.

Mona , Member

This is a priceless investment in yourself. I’ve done more in the program in 2 weeks than in 3 years of therapy and marriage counseling, tons of counseling seminars, tons of money-nothing has helped until this community.


I went from feeling on the edge and hopeless, to seeing a future I never could have imagined before the betrayal. I have become an entirely new person who is competent in ways I never imagined.

Holly Hirshberg

If you have experienced betrayal of any kind, take this course from Betrayal to Breakthrough. Debi walks hand in hand with you through the 5 Stages of healing and you will come through stronger, more courageous and whole hearted.


The PBT Institute gave me a place to be heard and validated. I was assured the things I felt were real and true. I was given a way of thinking, a path forward, that led me toward healing. What I was looking for, that I did not get with any therapy, was a step by step way forward. The PBT community was the ONLY place where you could follow a path.


I know I would not be in the place I am right now without having found you and your program!!! Thank you for everything- your energy, passion, love and inspiration. You have changed my world for the better and that has meant so much to me!!

Sheri P

I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. PBT didn't just help me heal from betrayal, it saved my life.


Life isn’t always easy. We all have challenges.

Some keep us stuck and some make us strong.

Have your challenges made you healed or hardened?

Take the quiz to see which Force of Nature you are.

Struggling to Trust?
You may have Post Betrayal Syndrome
Your relationships, work, health, and life could all be impacted by a past betrayal...

Click to play

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