We all strive for perfection, but in the process, we fall into the trap of being overly critical of ourselves. This can significantly affect the way we look at ourselves and others. 

In this episode, Kerry Tepedino relates to feelings of not being good enough, having experienced them herself. She also talks about the defining moment in her life that helped her overcome her battle with an eating disorder and having low self-esteem. Finally, she shares insights on how we, too, can make lasting changes in our health and happiness.

About Guest/Topic

Kerry Tepedino is the CEO and Founder of the One Thought Away Project and a world-renowned personal development coach for women.

While battling her insecurities and lack of self-confidence, she delved into personal development, leadership, holistic health, nutrition, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and breathwork. With the Sacred Self System she devised, Kerry managed to turn her life around and help thousands of people across the globe by teaching mindset mastery, emotional intelligence, and self-love.

Prepare to be inspired as she shares her wonderful journey to self-transformation and imparts her knowledge in creating a life of happiness rooted in love and appreciation for one’s self.

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In This Episode

  • Gain insights on how you can be intentional in transforming your life
  • Understand how you can create a better relationship with yourself
  • Learn how proper mentorship, community, and strategies can help with your personal development  
  • Discover a method that will enable you to stop criticizing yourself
  • Be able to recognize your self-transformation success


“The first step is really to get the right people around you that are going to hold you higher, that will help support your stay at the higher vibe of conversations like ‘What are you focused on?’”  [01:20]

“Slow down enough to get intimate with yourself, to ask the bigger questions like ‘Who do I want to be as a woman I respect in the world?’ For you and me, maybe there are some men here as well… ‘What do I want my life to look like? And am I willing to do what it takes to make it happen?’” [9:42]

“The wheel has already been invented and so it’s really about finding who do you resonate with. Who has been in the journey that you are on and are at least two steps ahead of you and they can give you their solutions, I say, on a silver platter? And what you gotta do is you got to run with that, and run with those strategies.” [13:00]

“I was my greatest teacher. My pain was my greatest teacher.” [15:04]

“It doesn’t matter how deep the hole you dug yourself right now, how old you are, young you are, or overweight or skinny, rich or poor. Wherever you are at is perfect for this conversation. Wherever you’re at, you did not miss the boat. That’s what I would like you to know. You didn’t miss that boat of healing.” [26:26]

“Miracles do not happen to the lucky. It happens to those with a clear vision, who are committed to making this vision happen.” [34:22]


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