After a business partnership resulted in the loss of money, security and time with his family, Sachin Patel realized he needed to make a change. Thanks to his emotional imprinting, strong faith in karma and desire to learn from the experience, Sachin has since harnessed the pain of his betrayal into a stronger business and leadership role.

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A must-listen for any business owners struggling with resiliency after things didn’t work out the way they expected, Sachin is an inspiring example of how to come back from a betrayal stronger than ever.

Combining his desire to keep people out of the medical system by empowering them through self-care, and his ability to let things roll off his back thanks to emotional imprinting, Sachin is here to explain why following your hunches is usually a good thing. 

Has a business relationship or experience soured your ability to move on? Share what inspired you most about Sachin’s story in the comments below!

In This Episode

  • How a bad business situation ended up being the best thing that ever happened
  • The role emotional imprinting can play in your ability to let things go
  • Ways to reverse engineer your betrayal so that it doesn’t happen to someone else
  • Tips to become a better business owner and leader despite your hardships
  • Having faith in karma and the manifestation of your thoughts  


“I had to keep a smile on my face the whole time, which was a tough thing to do.” (12:02)

“I was just kind of banking on the fact that ‘hey this could pay off in the long run, and if it does it’s going to pay off big’. And once I realized that it wasn’t, it was time for me to walk.” (13:34)

“When you lie to someone, that’s betraying them. When you lead someone on, that’s betraying them. Even if your intentions are good, if it is not the truth, its betrayal.” (17:59)

“I don’t feel super bad for myself because I learned so much, it was like a $60,000 education I got. And it was through that education that I realized, ‘hey, here is how I can run my business so that I never do this to somebody else’.” (24:14)

“We can use what we have learned to serve us, to make sure that we don’t do it to somebody else, and just create a much better future for ourselves instead of living in the past.” (27:59)


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