Heidi Brocke is a Toxic Relationship Awareness & Healing Specialist. After 14 years in an extremely emotionally and narcissistically abusive relationship she broke the chains and turned her past into her passion; She left her 24 years career in healthcare to be the person she needed when she herself was trapped in the darkness of an unhealthy relationship to provide hope, healing, and freedom to those whose lives have been affected by toxic relationships, emotional abuse, and narcissistic behaviors. 

Today she has helped hundreds rid and heal their toxic relationships and hosts the popular podcast, It’s not Normal, It’s Toxic-rid your life of toxic people – with over a million listens worldwide. 

She’s an international keynote speaker, recipient of Empowering Women in Business of The Year award by Inspiring Lives Magazine, and has been featured in both Forbes and Time Magazines for the dedication given to her clients and for her work in the toxic relationship area. 

In This Episode 

  • Running away from a marriage 
  • The toxic personality 
  • Rebuilding the relationship with your children 
  • Is this relationship healthy for me regardless of what they’ve got going on?


Heidi’s Website 

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, & TPA 


PBT Institute Membership 

Trust Again 2.0 

PBT Podcasts 

Healed or Hardened Quiz 

Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz 

A Dose of Dr. Debi: 8 Tips to Dealing With The Critics in Your Life