Former BBC journalist and public speaker C J Grace dealt with discovering her husband’s adultery and then getting breast cancer—for the second time—by refusing the victim role and keeping her snarky, Monty-Python-style sense of humor. She has a BRCA gene mutation that increases her breast cancer risk. Although they may appear to be separate subjects, cancer may often follow or be followed by infidelity. CJ’s new book, “My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity” is a candid comic memoir and uplifting survival guide. Her first book was “Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not.” After receiving a copy, Arianna Huffington invited her to be a HuffPost contributor. A BBC broadcaster and voice-over artist in the UK, CJ later worked for China Radio International in Beijing. Now divorced and US based, her mission is to help people use adversity for positive change.

In This Episode 

  • Breast Cancer and Infidelity 
  • Stress and Cancer 
  • Living in the present 
  • Revenge and laughter 
  • Being complete with or without a partner 


CJ Grace’s Website 

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