So many of us assume when it comes to eating disorders, but many people can struggle with disordered eating through various stages of their lives. In cases of betrayal or trauma, you can often hold your pain in your stomach, and this can have a negative impact on your own health.

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After 23 years at her NYC practice, Mindy Gorman-Plutzer has seen her fair share of psychology related eating issues. Today, Mindy is here to help us understand what betrayal in the form of an eating disorder looks like, why we do it and where it stems from, and how we can start to heal our mind, bodies, and spirit.

Mindy has created a system of strategies including functional nutrition, practical coaching techniques, result oriented psychology and body-centered practices to help people strengthen their relationship with food. Eating disorders can be influenced by a wide range of factors including genetic makeup, brain chemistry, and blood sugar. It is important to acknowledge your biology and understand the trauma that may be held within your gut in order to heal yourself from the inside out.

We can’t begin to forgive others until we forgive ourselves, and that starts on a cellular level. By examining your relationship to food, you can gain a deeper understanding of who you are and the story your body tells. It is time to let go of the self-sabotaging habits and start supporting your body to begin healing and empowering yourself.

What is your relationship with food like? Do you struggle with disordered eating? Let us know in the comments below!

In This Episode

  • Common signs and symptoms of disordered eating
  • The biological genetic component that may be affecting your hunger hormones
  • Physical and psychological implications of eating disorders
  • How to gain insight into what is dysfunctional in your body’s messages
  • Why food can start off as self-soothing and end up as self-sabotaging


“Wanting to change our weight, manage our bodies, often shows up in the guise of an eating disorder. Because it starts out as a solution to a problem that is believed to be intolerable.” (3:03)

“The betrayal is about how we disavow ourselves from our universally given right to thrive.” (6:06)

“Food is going to be the component that is acted out with. So for somebody who has suffered trauma, they are going to choose to check out of their bodies.” (13:28)

“When we can develop tools and strategies to manage that split off part of ourselves, sustainable recovery begins, and that is when we feel empowered.” (18:29)

“Change is about doing, transformation is about being. And I believe that no matter what we are dealing with in our lives, that is painful and feels like a betrayal, we can come home to ourselves.” (26:53)


The Freedom Promise website

The Freedom Promise Book

Contact Mindy at – Don’t forget the subject line ‘End the Betrayal’

Other Resources

Women Hacking Betrayal Facebook Group

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