After a betrayal left Lindsey Makitalo feeling isolated and alone, the From Betrayal to Breakthrough Program helped her regain her passion and vitality for life. Now a relaxation yoga teacher, Lindsey works to help others find their own inner teacher through yoga and meditation. 

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We all have the power of gut intuition inside of us, but our minds have a tendency to mess things up. Lindsey believes in leaning into the uncomfortable and the unknown to change your mindset and move through your betrayal gracefully. 

Lindsey is proof that when you feel the inspiration to do something, even if it is scary or uncomfortable, you should do it anyways. Growth is found in the inspiration of not knowing, and it is only by embracing the unknown that we can learn what we are truly capable of. 

When you are able to harness healing techniques such as yoga and meditation you can allow your body to rest and in turn receive better sleep, more energy and make wiser choices. Learn how the FBTB program altered Lindsey’s life, and what you can do to make the scary steps to healing not so scary, on this episode. 

Do you take advantage of the healing powers of yoga and meditation in your life? Let us know how these techniques have helped you become more centered and heal from your betrayal in the comments below.

In This Episode

  • Understanding how yoga and meditation work to help you de-stress
  • How changing your route to work could inspire you to alter your mindset
  • Ways to become more productive by slowing down and connecting with yourself
  • Using your intuition as a guide to powerful healing and effective life changes
  • Why you should lean into the unknown and listen to your gut instead of your mind


“I completely gave up on my business because I thought ‘well who am I to be doing this’ and I completely gave it up. And I never revisited having my own business again until years later.” (8:28)

“I just pushed through the fear and kind of let myself feel the discomfort of the unknown. Of not know what is going to come next, but trusting that anything could be better than what I had already been doing.” (14:24)

“It was a wake-up call, but it felt amazing. All of a sudden I realized I could actually be more productive because I was slowing down.” (22:43)

“Don’t waste any more time being stuck, don’t waste any more time feeling lost or putting yourself at the end of the to-do list. Put yourself first and everyone else will be taken care of, I promise you.” (26:55)


Makitalo Living Website

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Women Hacking Betrayal Facebook Group

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