Self-betrayal can take many forms. It can be denying your own needs and desires. It can be allowing a person to do something that harms you just to avoid being abandoned. Regardless of the form that it takes, self-betrayal will severely damage your self-worth. 

In this episode, Lisa Latimer takes a deeper look at self-awareness and how it can prevent self-betrayal.

About Guest/Topic

Lisa Latimer is a results strategist who managed to self-heal from her crippling insecurities and fear of failure that over a decade of toxic relationships left her with. She now helps women fearlessly create fulfillment in their lives by increasing their self-awareness. Lisa knows how important it is to get in touch with your core in order to become unshakeable in the face of any and all challenges.

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In This Episode

  • Take a deeper look at self-awareness
  • Understand the connection between betrayal and self-betrayal
  • Recognize how betrayal shows up in your life
  • Discover how self-awareness can help you heal from past trauma


“When I talk about self-awareness, I mean getting to the core of who you really are, and that’s minus all of the background noise, whether it’s coming from friends, family, coworkers, social media. When you boil everything down, it comes down to you. Who are you at your core? What drives you? What are your motivations? What are your beliefs?” [01:20]

“It’s in keeping those promises to yourself that then starts to change the switch in your head and create a new pattern where you’re not just so focused on this pattern of self-sabotage and self-betrayal because now you’re starting to keep promises to yourself, even if they’re just little promises.” [07:30]

“Something that I actually find quite empowering is ‘reframing’. You can go back to a situation that perhaps you felt like a victim or you felt betrayed, and you can look at it from a new perspective all this time later and say, ‘You know what? This person hurt me, this person lashed out at me. I was the strong one in this situation.’ If you were cheated on, it was that person’s weakness and lack of discipline or self-control, not yours.” [09:42]

“A lot of times we expect people or we expect a certain degree of treatment from others that we’re not willing to do for ourselves. You have to do it for yourself first.” [12:14]

“You always have to go against your need and desire for confirmation bias. You always have to look for the things that can challenge what you think and what you hold as truth.” [15:04]


Lisa Latimer

BPT Institute

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