In today’s episode, Peggy Green tells her story of losing two children, how she got through it, and how she’s using her loss to help others. 

Peggy Green is a mother, grief coach and speaker overcoming odds of surviving losing two children, one in an accident the other by suicide. Her mission is to make an impact and help others grieving the loss of a child, especially to those by suicide.   

Peggy’s Amazon bestselling book, Life After Child Loss: The Mother’s Survival Guide to Cope and Find Joy, and Thursday Thought’s, helps hundreds in their grief journey.  

Her passion is to share The 4 Cornerstones of Healing Program which is how she personally overcame her losses. She offers realistic and applicable practices that helps others to heal. 

Peggy is a Colorado native who loves being outdoors. She lives in Highlands Ranch, close to her family. Peggy holds bachelor’s degrees in Business Marketing and Exercise Science.  

She is inspiring and a true example that there is hope. Peggy has donated blood almost 100 times which is over 12 gallons. 

In This Episode 

  • How Peggy lost her two children 
  • Not having loss define you, but refine you 
  • We don’t know what to say as a society 
  • How each loss is unique  


Peggy’s Website 

Peggy’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, & Twitter 

Peggy’s YouTube 

Trust Again Intensive  

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Healed or Hardened Quiz 

Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz 

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Trust Again Book 

From Hardened to Healed Book 

Discovering Your Inner Strength