
Life is full of experiences that either make us stronger or render us helpless. We’ve all been there, but accepting the past and leaving it in the past is something that not everyone can do. Luckily, Tash Leath-Hamilton isn’t like most people.

Tash uses her God-given gift to help others shift their mindset, change problematic behaviors, and move forward to live their best lives possible. More than that, Tash is the kind of friend who is willing to have an honest conversation with you.

About Guest/Topic

Tash Leath-Hamilton is an intuitive guru and life advisor. She loves talking to people about their past, present, and future in a fun, loving, and authentic way. But what most people don’t know is she was obliged to hide her gift when she first found out about it.

At the age of six, Tash found out about her gift of intuition. She understood her mother’s protectiveness of her, but her duty to help change other people’s lives soon developed into a lifelong calling. After all, Tash is a person who freely speaks what’s in her heart and on her mind.

In this episode, Tash talks about how she uses her gift of intuition to help others achieve peace of mind and bring reassurance to those who are struggling to get by. 

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In This Episode

  • Discover how Tash uses her gift of intuition to change people’s lives
  • Learn about the gift of intuition and how it can lead you to the life that you’re supposed to live
  • Embrace the idea of intuition and accept what is truly going on in your life
  • Find and strengthen your gift from God and use it to help others


“I tell people all the time that I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear, I’m going to tell you what you need to know.” [6:38]

“We give up what we think is steady just to pursue our passion. And it is terrifying but is so unbelievably rewarding.” [15:04]

“Just because I don’t understand something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or it’s not true.” [15:15]

“There’s people on the planet that are willing to help you, you just have to be open to it.” [19:29]

“I want everyone to really live their best lives. We’re all going to have things that are going on constantly. There’s always going to be revels in the roads, that’s never going to change. But as people are open to trusting the process and understanding that things in life happen for a reason, nothing’s by accident, and move forward with trying to get through whatever it is, then you’re being to where you’re supposed to be a lot faster.

I think people hold themselves back—being stuck—and not knowing what’s in front of them because of a particular situation at that time where they just have to move on and move through.” [21:15]

“Everyone has a unique strength, gift, talent, and calling … The key is to find and strengthen your gift, then use it to help others.” [26:48]


Tash Leath-Hamilton’s Website

Tash Leath-Hamilton’s Facebook Page
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Tash Leath-Hamilton’s Twitter

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173: An Honest Look at Love, Dating and Relationships w/ Monica Parikh