Heather Aardemer is a board-certified, functional medicine certified health coach and the founder of Root of Well Being. She’s an aspiring minimalist, a real food advocate and a big fan of living a lighter life. Powerful principles of minimalism, simplicity, positive psychology and functional nutrition are woven throughout her work. Today, it’s her passion to help other women in their prime release the complication and clutter that’s been weighing them down so that they can make space for the things that matter most. She does this work through her private client coaching and weight loss sisterhood, where she guides women towards weight loss breakthroughs by helping them release the clutter in their heads, their hearts, their kitchens, and helps them get to the root of living the lives they love. 

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In This Episode

  • Discover how betrayal and a minimalist lifestyle correlate with each other
  • Learn the strategies of how to unclutter your mind, body and life after betrayal
  • Learn simple tips to become freer, lighter and happier than you’ve ever been before


“If I want to be competitive, I need to release some of these pounds.” [6:35]

“I really just think my body was saying, you know what, Heather with your body chemistry because it’s always my chemistry that is unique to the next person to the next lesson. We just can’t tolerate all this stuff.” [08:38]

“And I felt for a long time like this is a betrayal. Why is my body doing this? I’m strong. I’m fierce, powerful. I’m a fast runner. Why is my body saying slow down?” [12:41]

“I can’t believe how lucky I am now that I get to work with women who are willing to adjust the clutter in their life.” [16:15]

“We have so much on our plate, we are living these overloaded, addicted to busy lives.” [22:00]

“Sometimes people think of it as frugality. But really, what it is, is just getting rid of the things that aren’t serving us so that we can focus on the things that we want to, the things that mean the most.” [26:57]

“Find that white space, find that quiet space and ask yourself what matters most to you.” [31:21]


Root of Well Being Website

The Life Cleanse Summit

The PBT Institute Membership Community
The Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz
Trust Again-Debi’s new book (and great bonus gifts!)

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141: From Overwhelm to Health, Clarity, and Business w/ Holly Jean Jackson