David Wood is the Founder of Focus.ceo, a coaching business that helps high-performing business owners double their business by focusing on less. He is also an extremely successful life coach who was ranked #1 on Google with students across 12 countries.

About Guest/Topic

David has gone through a lot of challenges himself, having overcome a full collapse of his paraglider that led to a fractured spine. He experienced unimaginable loss when he witnessed the death of his sister at age seven, causing him to suffer from severe anxiety and depression.  All these experiences have led David to believe that the tough conversations we avoid are our doorways to confidence, success, and love. In today’s episode, he will discuss the different concepts of betrayal and how to navigate difficult conversations.

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In This Episode

  • Learn how to overcome tough conversations
  • Understand betrayal in a universal context
  • Get an overview of David Wood’s Tough Conversations CARE Model


“There is no betrayal because there is no contract in the Universe.” [2:01]

“A tough conversation is any conversation that feels awkward or we’re afraid of having and I think we sweep too many of these under the carpet.” [4:00]

“If there’s a major betrayal in your life from your point of view, then I think there should be a conversation that has to be had.” [5:28]

“I feel better about myself. I feel more connected to myself because I spoke up about something that matters to me.” [10:21]

“It’s one thing that you share your feelings; “I feel upset”, but what’s one thing that you would do to move things forward?” [20:37]

“I want people to know that the niverse is a lot friendlier than most of us give it credit. The ego tries to defend you and the ego will present that tough conversation in the worst possible way.” [30:22]


David Wood Website

Tough Conversations CARE™ Model

Tough Conversations with David Wood Podcast

Dr. Debi’s new book: Trust Again

The PBT Institute Membership Community

The Post Betrayal Syndrome Quiz

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