So often we play the role of victim, in most cases, unintentionally. This is a mindset that limits growth. Our guest for today is Kimberly Milouses. At an early age, Kimberly possessed a ‘poverty mindset’ caused by her household environment. She experienced hardships that no child should. Find out how Kimberly handled her situation and how she overcame being a victim to become the victor that she is today.

About Guest/Topic

Kimberly Milousis is a CPA-tax-specialist-turned-natural-health-entrepreneur and an abundance coach. In her coaching work, she focuses on empowering people to create abundance in their mind, body, and finances. She recently launched her course for that very purpose.

On today’s episode, Kimberley Milousis will share her experience of how she started as a victim and ended up being a victor. Listen and learn how this strong woman was able to reconcile her unfortunate past with her boundless potential.

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In This Episode

  • Learn the steps to transform from victim to victor
  • Discover how having a ‘poverty mindset’ can ruin the choices you make in life
  • Explore the healing process that Kimberly took to move past her experience


“The greatest thing [in my marriage] is that 1) I learned how to forgive and 2) I learned to take responsibility” [12:08]

“I didn’t wait until I felt forgiving. I recognize that forgiveness was a choice because if you wait until you feel, maybe that’s not going to happen.” [16:14]

“If the belief is, ‘I’m the victim’, people will always take advantage of me.” [20:50]


Life More Abundantly 10-Week Course – use the coupon code DEBI to get 20% off from the course

Empowered Living with Kimberly Milousis

Dr. Debi’s new book: Trust Again

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170: How To Keep Betrayal From Derailing Your Leadership Path w/ Annette Comer