Noelle Cordeaux is the CEO and co-founder of JRNI Coaching. She’s also a feminist scholar, ICF certified coach, speaker, and sexologist who specializes in the relationship with the self. She has carved out a unique niche in the world of coaching combining positive psychology with clinical sexology. Noelle holds a B.A. in Literature from Rutgers University and a Graduate Certificate in Executive and Professional Coaching from the University of Texas at Dallas.

About Guest/Topic

Our brain has some incredibly powerful chemicals that are making us think, feel, react and respond the way we do. Noelle is going to discuss and shed some light on how to manage our minds, so we can control the chemical surges that give us those great big highs, as well as those great big lows. In today’s episode, she will talk about the three things every woman needs in her breakup survival kit

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In This Episode

  • Learn about the brain chemicals that play a role in romance
  • Know how to achieve a person’s – physical, mental, and emotional best state
  • Discover how to manage these brain chemicals to feel more in control, balanced and happy


“When we first fall in love, we experience a lot of chemical changes that take place in the brain.” [4:28]

“When your serotonin levels have dropped, you’re going to experience focused attention.” [6:01]

“Something that I found absolutely fascinating is that – in humans, the deeper the verbal, emotional connection, it grows a part of your brain that supports pair bonding.” [7:19]

“So step one, get off your phones, put your phone away, when you come home.” [17:51]

“Women cry, withdraw socially, and lose weight sometimes, and they have a need to retell their story over and over.” [23:08]

“These are very powerful brain chemicals.” [30:59]


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